Fellaz only (ladies in here is gatecrashing)

Lostkat said:
You're wrong.. SO wrong! But if you knew Leon at all, you'd also know this.

You don't have to be a gangster badboy if you don't fulfil the "wet lettuce" criteria you know ;) There are some in betweens. In fact, there are lots!

Ok LostKat my bad but what is a "wet lettuce" to you? i mean your definition?
Sweetloaf said:
What a naive attitude, go tell that to all the single mums, pushed out fathers or just generally heartbroken people in the world!

I think you misunderstood me or taking my words out of context.
25. When a GIRL says I love you, she means it.

Not necessarily, women can lie, cheat, manipulate etc just as much as blokes can.

This sounds like it was written in the 1950's, most Women don't want to be treated like simple-minded Barbie Dolls who lives have no meaning unless a bloke gushes poetry at them all day long.
ElRazur said:
I do, but i suppose i didnt elaborate on that. The thing is ladies give out mixed feelings and emotions sometimes. Ok im gonna try and keep it clean - I have been involve in a situation where the ladies says NO she aint having sex and im like "ok cool" but then several minutes later she's got my hand where it will suggest she want to and she means YES......anyway im there confused wondering whether to progress or not and before i know it she is saying NO again but then playing with me and getting naked??? Erm what will you do?

Most ladies also like the chase and most men like to hunt so it can be conflicting at times but it always work it well in the end.

That is a somewhat woefully poor analogy tbh. I understand what you are saying but it doesn't apply, if a girl says no and then starts playing with your danglies then she clearly isn't UNCOMFORTABLE with it. If she says no and is obviously uncomfortable with what you are doing then umm i believe that may fall foul of the law.
Women :rolleyes:

I split up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago because i had just had enough. She was always moaning that i was 'stringing her along' :rolleyes:. And apparently football was more important than her too, as she got annoyed when i went to watch my team (Man U) in the carling cup final down the pub. I even invited her down too :p .

In my opinion a lot of things on that list are rubbish , and are just soo soppy. I agree with what Lostkat was she is saying about some women wanting men to be there puppy dogs, ringing them every waking moment, spending every last minute with them. Spending too much time with a girl is bad, if you cut everyone else out of your life. Trust me, ive seen it happen, and im not prepared to do that.

Well back to coursework, im distracted again, but can't wait until after uni exams, 3.5 weeks off and much fun to be had :D

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doing all them things = men being gay!

do all them things but am telling you once u start you cant stop. i used to be like that at the start with my g.f but after 6 months i stopped cus theres no point cus they stop giving it you :)

any time i give my g.f something now its always the case who u been with what u been up to. so i think treat them mean and you know the rest. ( i dont mean give them No swearing! just be as you would with your mates) worked for me and my g.f is a right ***** sometimes hehe but it works :)
ElRazur said:
Ok LostKat my bad but what is a "wet lettuce" to you? i mean your definition?
Seems like most other people understand :)

Dull, clingy, treat you like an ornament, avoid discussions with you because they're scared of conflict, won't leave you alone, ring you contstantly, question your every move. Need I go on?
ElRazur said:
19. When a GIRL is not arguing, She is thinking deeply.

Should be:

19. When a GIRL is not arguing, she is thinking deeply of someting to argue about. :p
penski said:
Can we have 'Thou shalt not share your email inbox with the forum' added to the FAQ?

Seconded. Is it really worth questioning the authenticity of one or two points made out in a piece of chainmail which teenage girls pass around attaching messages such as "lolz" and "r0fl s000 tru!!!111"?

On a sidenote - and pardon my ignorance if this is common knowledge - is English your first language, ElRazur? :o
Spud21 said:
That is a somewhat woefully poor analogy tbh. I understand what you are saying but it doesn't apply, if a girl says no and then starts playing with your danglies then she clearly isn't UNCOMFORTABLE with it. If she says no and is obviously uncomfortable with what you are doing then umm i believe that may fall foul of the law.

Nah, All im sayin is this - She says NO, act YES and did end up doing it anyway. I think i know when im foul of the law, i wont force a woman to have sex with me but, if you are saying NO then say NO and act NO not say no then give [FAMILY FORUM STUFF STARTED HERE!].....***Erm family forum***!!
VeNT said:
yet another gramaticaly incorect title from ELrazer.
what the hell is a Fellaz anyway?

For a spellchecker, you seem to missed the fact my name is Spelt as E-L-R-a-z-u-r.
Ok im gonna say this one time to you and hope you keep that at the back of your mind ***Clear my throat*** :rolleyes: (1) English is not my first language (2) It is becoming a cliche derailing El's thread (3) If you aint gonna contribute other than the way you've done so far PLEASE IGNORE ME. :rolleyes:
Oh come off it, those things are as cheesy as they get. If a girl tells you she misses you, it's either because she does or she doesn't, if she's quiet she's either thinking or wondering what shoes to buy tomorrow.
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