FF's trying to get back on the wagon training

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
As a lot of you are aware I'm struggling with my training at the moment. So making a log may well keep me motivated or at least track things for you to give me a kick up the bum.

I was working on a hybrid workout - like a lot of my recent workouts, something different to keep the body guessing. These workouts have helped underline a lot of stability, single leg, core issues that I never knew I had, and uncovered the use and triggers of some muscles that I had previously misunderstood.

These exercises will not disappear - but for the moment sticking to something a little more "simple" I think will help until my mojo has returned fully.

Based on that, a simple programme like 5/3/1 Triumvirate is the path I'm heading down.

I've knocked all my PBs down significantly for the process of doing this as I want to psychologically feel I'm making progress to get me out of this "hole" that I'm stuck in at the moment.

Diet - I shan't be monitoring, and I never have really except when I was 100+Kg as I needed to ensure I was eating enough. My diet is not perfect, but it's very good. I know what to eat, and frankly it's not part of my worry - I like to enjoy myself. Self control or not, I tend not to drink much alcohol anyway, and naughty foods are a treat that I have maybe once or twice a week at the most, and even then some weeks I don't at all.

So with that in mind and based on the KISS principle - I hope that inspite of my insomnia, work issues, crap commercial gym and time constraints, as well as other priorities in life I can actually get back to enjoying my time at the gym.

Split will be:


Gives enough recovery time between each compound.

There will be 2x accessory exercises with each session for the moment.

There will be mobility work done as usual at the start of the session.

There will be warm up sets too before the work outs.

I may change the accessory exercises as the routine matures to suit my needs.
Day 2


Warmup sets

Working sets:


Pull-ups (medium width) rep only counted if chin gets over bar, and full extension at bottom of rep:


DB Row:

42x6 x3 sets

Really happy with my pull ups there, not done heavy weighted pull ups in ages, tend to stick to chins - and found the 160x10 surprisingly difficult. However, form was tight, and I possibly could have done a couple more - but hey ho.
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Nice one FF. Have you downloaded the 531 spreadsheet? It's really good.


For the warm up sets Wendler suggests 40%x5, 50%x5 and 60%x3 (just use the deload week figures from the spreadsheet)

I always start with the bar then add 50% of my working set.

However, will have a look at that - thanks :)

Yeah I have that spreadsheet - I've plugged the numbers in, and the progress seems sensible. :)
Day 3

Believe it or not this is the one part of the programme I wasn't looking forward to. Owing to numerous injuries over the past, and general issues with my shoulders, I've never pushed myself or really wanted much effort placed in terms of effort here. And, it is as a result somehwere I am woefully weak at. Put it this way, for my shoulders to be right, I'd need 2 extensive operations on them, and I've done a lot of physio and mobility work on them, and I'm not going down the surgery line. I can't cope with that, so I've just accepted it as a weakness - unfortunately the shoulders are integral to a lot of pushing movements, undoubtedly why my pulling movements are significantly ahead of any pushing movement.

So it's an area of weakness. However, as a result of doing 5/3/1 - it's meant that I cannot escape from it. :( You may or may not have noticed that a lot of my workouts do not have and shoulder work in it - well that's why. :)

Y,T,Ws, Facepulls, and internal & external rotation warm ups as well as usual mobility work before this workout.


Warmup sets x2

Working sets:

57.5x8 (could have probably squeezed another 1 out at least - but was starting to push press - which won't really help, but I guess as long as I do as many as I can without push pressing maybe I should continue??)

Cable Side Raises


Felt surprisingly hard - I'm not sure if that's in Kgs or if you're meant to double it - I don't believe those were Kgs. Anyway, it's recorded at least.

Bodyweight Chins

Not a shoulder exercise but wanted an antagonist exercise


DB Push Press


Absolutely fried.

Swiss ball stir pots

4 sets of 10 rotations

Looking forward to squats next session! :D
Yeah. That's why I stopped. I know I can push press over 100kg - but strict - I'm ****ing useless! haha! I'm glad I've got them in my routine now as I cannot escape them and need to work on them. :)
A bit of body english has it's place to add a bit of volume. I'm not an advocate of ultimate failure training, but yes, I think adding a couple of push presses would help, but bearing in mind that actually you may only get a handful of reps out anyway owing to shoulder exhaustion - there's not much negative to say about it.

However, that's why I added DB push press - a lot more technique, and stability required to lock out and IMO much harder.
Your dumbell exercises are mad, though.

50kg dumbell snatch? :eek:

I like dumbell work for the stability and core work you get. :)

I reckon I could hit 60kg snatch or more.

I love a bit of snatch me... ;) :D

As long as you are consistent with your choice of either strict or strict-->push press then it'll be fine. I'd track both separately though.

Yeah agreed. Hence why I didn't bother doing any PP - but form was starting to struggle. I thought that since I was doing DB PP I'd stop myself from doing it. :)
Day 4

Absolutely exhausted today. Really did not feel up to training or motivated - haven't been sleeping well, but still dug deep and got on it. :( :mad:


Bar x lots

Working sets:

122.5x10 (could have probably squeezed another 1 or 2 out at least - but legs felt like they were cramping up a little :/ Which is weird as I've never got that before.)
I decided to do a dropset of 60x10 just for ***** and giggles.

Walking DB Lunges

18x12 :'(

Single leg DB RDLs


Palof press

4x10 (can't remember the weight :()

I could have and should have done more volume on the additional exercises. However, I just felt knackered.
Hehe - I love the pain if I'm honest. I know it's no indication that you've done more work - but it's a feeling I strive for. :o

Looking forward to getting back to repping 160 for 10!
I'll probably be doing squats twice every 10 days, so not quite twice a week, but I know the feeling.

Walking lunges for me almost kill me. I love them though - they are such an important accessory exercise.

My favourite day is the deadlift and "pull" day. Really love pulling exercises by far.
Day 5

Bench Press Now down to 3 reps

Warmup sets:

Bar x lots
50kg x 12

Working sets:


Dropset 60x15 for ***** and giggles



Alternating DB Incline bench

28x6 x3 sets

Palof Press

Shoulder so far is doing ok. I'm nailing the mobility, stretches and warm ups. I felt a bit more confident under the bar.

Steedie - those dips are a result of my "silly" exercises ;)

Yeah those DB presses are hard work.

I somehow managed to roll over my hand last night spraining 2 fingers :/ In agony! :(
Day 6

**** long week, not had the time to get to the gym, knackered, but pulled my finger out. Trained late though so eating late :( A bit delayed for this session... but hey better late than never right?

Deadlift - 3 rep week

Warmup sets x lots

Working sets:

170x10 - could have got 2 more, wasn't that hard, though towards the end i did take 3-4s breaks between reps.

Pull-ups (medium width) rep only counted if chin gets over bar, and full extension at bottom of rep:


DB Row:


Was struggling with the pull ups, so thought I'd try and rep out more on 25kg and just add a BW drop set. Added a bit more volume on the DB rows - they were haaaaard!

Not displeased with that session.

Ugh.. Shoulders tomorrow :(
Jawohl! :(

Rugby injury, and a few mishaps later + surgery = shoulders less powerful than they should be. Sorry... they're powerful, just not as strong as they should be.

I'm only human. :( Life gets to me sometimes - but the gym helps be back into life.

I just need to get there - I'm actually a pretty lazy person by nature.
34 reps of pull ups is pretty high volume no?

I'd rather do a quality set with no swinging, jerking, and get my chin over. Chins I can do a lot more, I may well in next week go up to 6 reps. It's still a lot of volume. Bear in mind after a relatively heavy dead session it's rather hard! :p
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