FF's trying to get back on the wagon training

Oh lol! I see people doing 40s and 50s and that makes me cry :(

But then I snatch the 50s with ease and they find that impressive, so it's swings and roundabouts. :p
Cycle 4 - 5 Rep Squat Day

5 rep squat day A little rushed for time as we're heading up to Nottingham this weekend. So didn't rest as much as I wanted between sets :(

Oh squat

Bar * lots
30 * 8
40* 6
60 * 2 - still ****ing hard work - not pretty and balance was all over the place. How people snatch 100+ kg and hold that deep squat position I do not know.

Back Squat



Ds 100 *11

Front squats

60 *8
90 *6


18 *6
20 *6

That's all I had time for. I'd have liked to have done another FS set and some more DBSS as well as some core specific work. But c'est la vie!
It's how they drop to ATG position with 100kg+ overhead then power up easily!
Amazing strength and coordination to do OH squats with any weight tbh.
It's funny - up to 50kg I find it fairly straight forward. Then 60kg goes over my head and unless you really lock out those shoulders and give it a proper brace you wobble all over the place!
Olympic lifting shoes. That high heel makes a fair amount of difference. :)

I don't know what your technique is like or the cues you use, but pinch your scaps with the bar overhead, and then imagine pulling your wrists down and forward.

This should bring in your lats to stabilise, assuming you're not already doing it.

Nice work, regardless! All kinds of beastly squatting! :)
Cycle 4 - 3 Rep Bench Day

Wasn't feeling it today, and wasn't expecting much - turns out it makes for a great session.


Bar * lots
40 * 12

110*8 - how? The spotter didn't touch the bar, i did get 2 more assisted reps out of it so I didn't count those 2 - but still, my shoulder felt like ****.

Ds 60 *14 - again, not sure how I managed to squeeze out 14.

Ring dips

Bw * 7 - felt good, easy
10 *5
15 *5
20 * 5
25 *5 lol - erm, well that was unexpected, ok it was a slow grind. But WTH?
Ds bw 11 - lolwut, all kinds of ease.

Incline alt db press:

Well and truly fried by now


Pallof press


Overall workout rating? Not bad. :cool:
Its strange how the bad feeling days are good for the gym :D I get them a lot..and the days that Im totally up for it, seem to be disapointing!
Nice pressssing!
Same on the surprising workouts, gets me everytime. I either go in expecting to grind and wheeze my through and throwing everything up easy.... or go in expecting to bust some PB's and can't finish my warmups lol! :D
Just been reading through, again!

Interested to see how you tackle AGVT, tried it ages ago when I was beyond a noob. But I wasn't anywhere near experienced enough, I do fancy giving it another go. So shall be nice to see what you do.
Nice chesticle session FF. I'm realising the importance of that shoulder pinch, along with upper back tightness and creating that stretch across the chest. On the heavier weights, if I don't get those things right it's shoulder loading time.
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