FF's trying to get back on the wagon training

I'm going to work on dips like a mofo, even if I have to bodge them on some wobbly pro-climbing machine :p
It was a good idea to do a log - thanks Stoodles. At least it means that I feel somewhat obligated to do something!

Dips are good because of all the ring dips i've done. When I put on a bit of weight again the numbers may come down - but perhaps I'll get stronger still! :D

Begbie - glad I can serve some motivation - it was amazing to here Icecold tell me that I was partially responsible for his beast-like development.

I know you've got to train for yourself - but sometimes it's nice to hear that people are actually interested in seeing you develop and you're almost inclined to do it for others!

Looking forward to my deload if I'm honest! However, I'm enjoying the triumvirate style of training - it's got some volume, and big weights - which is all I'm interested in at the moment.

Deload week will have more box jumping, and "silly" exercises I'm afraid ;) :p
I think those "silly" exercises are almost as badass as they come, and made even more so when you can still shift weight on the more traditional lifts. Makes me want to go back to gymnastics but I'm just too tight to pay :p.
It was a good idea to do a log - thanks Stoodles. At least it means that I feel somewhat obligated to do something!

Dips are good because of all the ring dips i've done. When I put on a bit of weight again the numbers may come down - but perhaps I'll get stronger still! :D

Begbie - glad I can serve some motivation - it was amazing to here Icecold tell me that I was partially responsible for his beast-like development.

I know you've got to train for yourself - but sometimes it's nice to hear that people are actually interested in seeing you develop and you're almost inclined to do it for others!

Looking forward to my deload if I'm honest! However, I'm enjoying the triumvirate style of training - it's got some volume, and big weights - which is all I'm interested in at the moment.

Deload week will have more box jumping, and "silly" exercises I'm afraid ;) :p

Pffffft box jumping are not silly exercises - real men box job. I enjoy doing them with some skipping, bag work, push-ups then box jumps and rinse repeat!

Need to start doing more of this kind of cardio more often.
My "silly" comment was aimed at Stoodles who likes to take the **** out of me for doing them ;)

I love those circuits - box jumps, sled work, bag work, farmers walks etc...
Day 10

Deadlift - 5/3/1 rep week



Working sets:

180x9 - :cool: Ok towards the end I was taking about 10s between each rep to recover and compose myself - however that felt good, pretty solid. Form was reasonable towards the end - probably started to weaken (understandably).

Dropset (:eek: )


Pull-ups (medium width) rep only counted if chin gets over bar, and full extension at bottom of rep:

30x5 - messy as hell on the last 2 reps, no swinging though ;) :p

DB Row:


Was very fatigued by this point I didn't have much left in me.

Straight arm - straight bar, cable pull down

4x10 @ 27.5

Time for lots of food! :D
Day 11

Ugh Shoulders again :(

OHP - 5/3/1 day:

Warmup sets

Bar x12

Working sets:

65x4 - that 4th rep was not clean it wasn't a push press, but I definitely felt my left shoulder saying "I am afraid I cannot do that Dave. I shall not acquiesce to your request. You shall not past. We will not be moved...." It moved, got there.... just. I ****ing hate shoulder work.



Cable Side Raises


DB Seated Press:


Leg raises with 2s hold at top

5 reps
7 reps
8 reps
9 reps

Don't know why they increased... but there you go! :p

Thank goodness for deload next week.
I can sympathise with that FF, my shoulders have always been weak as ****, I also just don't enjoy doing them which makes the whole experience even more annoying.

Still, it seems like it's not going too badly and that there is some progression happening so you must be going about it the right way :).
Day 12

5/3/1 rep squat day.


Bar x lots

Working sets:

137.5x9 (annoyingly another few reps were possible :/ My depth wasn't good enough towards the end - and form was a little wobbly towards the end, but still felt as though I had some left in the tank. :/ How weird? :( )

Dropset 100x14 - :cool:

Walking DB Lunges


DB Single Leg RDLs


Goblet squat with pulse:

Squats are my second best lifts. Fortunately the numbers reflect this!

Thanks :)

Deload now - lots mobility and explosive work for a week then back on it. Cycle 2 is going to start getting more fun! :D
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