Find a video that isn't using an out of date version of the game..... Performance has improved quite a bit since Dec. And yup max as in psycho setting does kill perf., however, the lower settings for this one setting doesn't, basically that setting is meant for future gen. tech. There are a couple of settings that can be dropped such as volumetric cloud too, better to have future like settings present and the choice to adjust them than not to give the choice.
As always, I go by the "overall" end results, the likes of cyberpunk has far more going on than what we have seen of FC 6 so far:
- better character details (multiply this by how many npcs/models are in any given scene)
- far more dense/packed town, sure NPCs AI might not be skynet level.... but we have yet to see more than a handful of npcs in one area of FC 6 so far....
- depending on the scene, arguably better textures
- better lighting
- better shadows
- hard to say atm, but the particle effects look better in CP
- better higher res. reflections (factor in the sheer amount of reflections happening in any given scene too)
Just to name a few areas.
Sure in terms of a jungle area, FC 6 defo. does better than CP (as you would expect given the difference in the type of game and what they are targeting) but then again, far cry new dawn looks pretty damn good when in a forest/jungle like area and similar to what we have seen in FC 6 yet new dawn runs great at 4k.
Agree to disagree.
Given that any video/guide you see based on graphics overall, there is a reason cyberpunk is one of the top, if not the top for the majority of people.
With regards to draw distance, could say this for most games tbh, assassins creed in particular, the other day was in the middle of mountains and it looked awful, like ps 3 textures in the distance but when in a dense town up close etc., it looked fantastic, most games draw distance is pretty poor unless they are games, which have nothing in them i.e. a ghost town with no attention to detail.
Will agree that it came nowhere close to what was shown or the hype generated by CDPR fanboys but that was peoples own fault, time and time again, we have seen loads of e3 footage of various games by various publishers/developers which have always got downgraded.
Shock horror, people don't like the truth or they can't post anything to back up their thoughts so they use ignore instead
Sorry forgot..... GODFALLLLLLLLLLLL!
Mind boggling how people can't seem to grasp the point that there is nothing wrong when just looking/judging FC 6's visuals "only", but when you look at the visuals AND the perf. to be expected for said "overall" visuals and the lack of ray tracing effects etc., that is when you have a problem, well not really a "problem", more just an "observation".
Maybe this is what some of us expected with the likes of FSR/DLSS i.e. developers wouldn't put in the same effort to optimise as likes of FSR will double or more the FPS....
Time will tell once it's out though, looking forward to seeing the benchmarks of ray tracing on and off as well as some image comparisons and also looking forward to seeing the whole "vram debate" to start all over again only to possibly end up being a wet fart once again