So after the dust as settled with FSR...
I think its worth while agreeing its a successful launch.
So based on this I am going to predict.
I believe before this year is over 50 games will be supported.
Before 2022 is over 100+ supported games
You will see less DLSS games being released, the reason you only need to look at Freesync for the answer.
Devs will not spend extra time and money to enable DLSS for a small player base when they can add in FSR for FREE and get more players in.
Also allows more players to enjoy higher frame rates than what they could without FSR.
@LtMatt post above about 6700 not classed as a 4k GPU but with FSR enabled it jumps a generation in performance.
Honestly my opinion FSR is more groundbreaking than DLSS because of my points above.
Not because what one is doing the better job, just like Gsync is also regarded the better of the two technologies but yo see open source free to add will always win.
Why pay for little gain.