FIFA 15 Official Pro Clubs thread

Contact origin? :p I can't think of anything else I assume you've tried the usual reinstall.. maybe your PC is infected with ebola ?
Lmao wouldn't a new one mean no games unless they can join the accounts together which I think is possible meaning you won't be able to use old one but it's no good anyway so no problem
Glad you find it funny too manering :D

Internet fixed sooner than expected, I'm getting a d/l speed of 40Mbps now, compared to a previous fail 4Mbps and less ;)
Just got an email from FWCC for that tournament manering linked that I signed us up for. 38 teams have signed up so far for PC!

Dis gon b gud:p
Hopefully we'll get back to our normal route this Sunday

Of course codkilla, hope everyone had a good christmas & new year seems so!
Does anyone know if it's possible to recover your Virtual Pro after reinstalling Win 7?

I have a backup of my machine, but when i restore the user/documents/Fifa 15 folder, it doesn't have My Pro?

Is it possible to recover the data?


I would have thought it's all backed up online on the cloud. What happens if you don't restore the folder, still no pro?
Got myself a wired 360 pad today from the Bay this morning and now downloading 15 as we speak. I'm well up for this; gonna give it a few hours to level up my Pro before I join you guys.

If you want to add me on Origin it's SatNav37 - same as Steam etc :)

Cool, I've just added you ;)
When do you guys play? Whenever I'm on only one or none of you are. I suggest you checkout the FWCC tournament As it'll be fun otherwise ill let them know we won't be participating
we play mostly every other day if not some nights every day from about 10 onwards

Probably a bit late that's why then, I saw both of you online yesterday but manering wasn't playing. But you ended up playing? lol

Can you be in more than 1 team ? In a team atm with mates but I've swapped shifts at work and hardly see them atm and sick of the pot luck of drop in s

Nope but you can leave and join us :D

Cheers dude, got your invite and accepted. I saw the club is invite only....can I join pretty please? :D

My dude is 82 OVR at the moment, probably played about 15 drop in games so far. Quite enjoying it so far, and there seems to be less 'ball hogs' then there ever were on the console versions. A lot less people on the mic though.

I invited you yesterday fella
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Hey man, yeah that's all good I checked last night and I was in, thank you. I played with 3 others in a couple of losing efforts in Div 3. Scored on my debut :)

I had my headset & mic on in those two matches; could any of you guys hear me?

Were you using TeamSpeak?
We got a game for the tournie lads, gotta complete it by 21st Jan!

Who can make it next Tuesday night? The other team can't do it at weekend so will have to be a weekday. I know you guys usually play after ten but that might be too late, can everyone make it at 9 or half 9? hopefully everyone can make it around this time!
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recon i can fry an ehh on mine right now.. just going to ring oc customer service its only done it since the cooler failed

that's your dinner sorted then..

What cooler you on now, if it's a half decent one shouldn't be going up to 70c or whatever. Is the CPU overclocked?
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