FIFA 15 Official Pro Clubs thread

Well quite a few seem to have left, this is the right time I feel to step down as the "manager" or more so "organiser". I tried to keep it a club where everyone has a say but clearly even that didn't work as to put it frankly we just weren't good enough knocking it about like it was a drop-in match. I think authority is necessary as otherwise there isn't anyway consistency or organisation so to speak. This isn't to criticise as I thought we could have improved but inactivity prevailed.

This isn't to say that it's over I'm sure someone can make another official ocuk club, i suspect those that left may have made their own little "buddies" club without publicizing it here :p Or maybe just joined another club, I'll be finding an appropriate one that fits my style or maybe in future even make one not based on OCUK because it was always going to be too limited with the open agenda meaning the style of play wasn't good enough.

Finally the topic will remain open I think it would be a nice touch ending with comments from people about the good times we had :p

It was fun while it lasted.

See you around
I think comms was another issue, I suggested origin beta but it was very buggy lol. Could have used an alternative but not everyone had a mic.

Yeah I think the most enjoyment comes with 5 players or more, any less and you might get easy games but there will be many boring frustrating ones.

This is first time I've bought FIFA on PC and from what I can see most are disappointed with this years release and that's not just pro clubs but the other online modes as well.

I really hope they sort it out next time because it's probably the worst £25 I've spent on a game haha.

Good luck guys maybe we can have a 1v1 sometime ;)

P.s coop seasons is probably better for only 2 players :)
OCUK clubs have never worked out man, we had them in FIFA 12 and 13, and it always ended up with arguments, fights and eventual splitting and groupings, was amusing at times.

It's not that they can't work out just have to go about it the right way, I think there would need to be at least two managers and everyone joining would need the right attitude etc. One of the main problems as stated though was activity but can't really blame anyone for that.
There is nothing but stress when it comes Fifa :p

This is true especially when players are out of position constantly, it's no fun or a laugh without being a bit serious I'm afraid :p

we could have found more players but I thought the point was OCUK only, that's the impression I got anyway especially when one non OCUK guy came who was bad but the treatment was like no outsiders allowed. I think we could have easily got more regulars so maybe for someone who gives it a shot probably next year now should take this into consideration.

From the console thread I hear they're doing well why does PC have to be such a flop :p

tbz makes a good point we could have said lets do this between 8pm and 11pm, I mean we had some regulars and new additions.

So.. whos willing to give this another shot? From what I've read a few of you at least. This was good actually to get rid of the dead meat and see who's actually bothered/interested. Was it a cunning plan? No I'm not LVG :p

If we're going to do this again we will need some house rules in place:
1. We must use a ts3 server, doesn't matter if you don't have a mic you can still listen and use the text chat.
2. Set time I.e 8PM to 11PM, due to circumstances it's not possible for most people but it's what we'd be looking at.

Feel free to make suggestions for more rules or ones stated.
My cousin and I will be apart of a team so there is dacads.

Comms = must as we've said. I have a mumble server or if you want TS I'm sure they will have a channel for us in the OcUK TS server.
Those sort of times are ok for me

Alienfish360(noswad) has a TS server which should be fine to use I think.

What's your cousin's origin ID, I've updated the first post by removing inactive people.

I will make a new club again on FIFA, a fresh start from div 10 ;)

Also if there is more than 4 players on we won't use Any, why? Because that person will affect the flow of game too much which isn't good for team play.
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I'd suggest maybe a Wednesday and Sunday evening thing. I tend to get on quite late (after 10pm mostly) so would drop in when I'm online. If you leave it open all week, then what tends to happen is people sporadically turn up and nothing gets done. If you have set days then momentum can be built :)

Generally it'd be good to do it all week but due to people working Etc and some being available late I guess setting days is more appropriate and could work.

So how does Wednesday and Sunday sound for people? 8 or 9PM onwards

ill join up if your interested add me on origin its codkilla18022408

I'll add you tonight, what position(s) you good at?

That's another thing we're getting a bit top heavy so ideally need a few who are willing to play CDM, to protect the rotten CPU defence :p and of course moving the ball and getting it forward..
So I assume Sunday evening/night is fine with most people, we can decide other days depending on how it goes.

Noswad what's your TS server details again, everyone will need to know and install TS3 if they haven't already.
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I will definitely be in on this soon lads; ditched the 360 and got a PC a few months ago, but not got round to getting FIFA15 or a pad yet. When I do I'll be all over this.

Snap up fifa while you can, currently available for £17 if you use a vpn to buy from mexico origin.
i played really bad last night was having an off day

Try not to watch x factor / im a celeb next time :D ;)

When you were playing CDM, remember your job is to sit back not rush forward. When CAM it's important to stay behind the striker and not rush forward unless you're doing a 1-2 pass or passes.

We'll be fine once we have an actual midfield it's important to have someone in the middle of the park otherwise all balls will just go forward and also the other team will find it easy with plenty of space. SO yeah man in the middle means someone to pass back/forward to and less hopeful long balls ;) When we have 4 outfield players I think it will be better to have 2 CAM , 1 CM/CDM and 1 ST rather than 3 CAM and 1 ST.
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it was because the pc is too close to the tv lol

and yh i need to change my pro to cdm and stay in that position lol ive never really played that position before so trying to adapt im more of a winger

Interesting you raise that actually, most games we've been playing 4-2-3-1 which is pretty narrow so with 4-5-1 or another formation that incorporates LM/RM you could play on the wing. We should try and next time and see if it works, at stretching the opponent and creating some space for other players ;)
Yesterday when I wasn't get the supply I wasn't scoring. When I was, I was scoring. That's how important a CAM who stays put is to how well I do as ST :)

Of course supply is important for any striker ;) As we've seen with Chelsea and the Fabregas-Costa partnership :p
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