FIFA 15 Official Pro Clubs thread

Just added this to the first post for everybody to see:

We have a chat room on Origin, at the moment this is only a beta feature, so to be invited to the chat room please ensure you have the beta version of Origin. This can be done by going into 'Application Settings', followed by ticking the box for 'Update to the beta version when available'. After restarting Origin it should automatically start downloading the beta.

P.s most are on the beta already now :)
Haha as the saying goes you win some you lose some..

This is what I'm slowly trying to drill in though, against the tougher opponents who have similar or more players than us it's vital we match them in terms of possession. Otherwise we'll just end up having no control and conceding a few, which I wouldn't call hammered. To be fair we have hammered a few teams ourselves scoring 5+ goals ;)

But yeah as we go up the divisions it's important we start playing like it, I know this is more of a casual fun club than serious but to continue having fun we'll have to improve as a team and individuals :)
Glad someone else agrees!

Think I might try "Any" again when we play next, whoever is CDM on the day could help to maintain possession but this goes for every position. As long as we stick to our positions it shouldn't be too difficult ;)
We can play 2 up front then but not with 5 defenders :p

Need some consistency in the middle at the moment people think it's ok to storm forward or in some cases remain offside :p ;)
It was more wins than losses at one point but past few days it's gone downhill :p

Not that it's bad anyway some of the players are new and inexperienced so it's all a learning curve for everyone really
You mean knocking it forward like Moyes did last season? Haha sounds like nonsense to me mate :p

Like I said it won't work against the better teams who have an actual defence, that's when we need to create proper chances and it will be much more rewarding as a team to be able to play well together and score goals.

Once we get that right mentality and attitude that "route 1 football" will be long forgotten :p Of course it doesn't mean we only play one way we have to switch up the play every so often and surprise ourselves and the opponent.
It's not about records, clearly when we lost people were resorting to knocking it forward and other annoyances :p

Yeah which formation were you using? Width is very effective of course no matter what style of play is being used. It's not about individuals and making silly runs losing the ball but how each player can contribute to the team.

Remember that game against a solid 10 or 11 man team, they were knocking it about and we couldn't do ****, that was a great example of how to play and how it's done. So no, passing more doesn't mean we'll be closed down and lose the ball, it's just a matter of being good enough at passing by not doing it without looking ;) We get the hang of this and it's not us but other teams that will be frustrated :p

Been tied up with work the last week and will be back to play some more from now on. Still got a 78 player rating as LB :(

Yeah some can only make it at weekends, which is acceptable having lives involving families etc. It's all good though I think everyone is improving so eventually we should be at a similar level with the ability to make the right decision ;)
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Yeah we certainly missed you as an Any and those darting runs you make sometimes ;)

It's necessary with less than 5 people people, anymore and somebody needs to be willing to play in defence :p

Other then that yeah the CPU can be shocking but even with a good pro you might get done due to the way the game is this year.

At least we have a GK now lol, well done noswad better than chip at least haha

This is my annoyance. You make posts like this, which demonstrates you clearly know and understand how to play the game properly, yet when you play as a single player resort to impossible runs through multiple defenders instead of making passes, or only passing when you are totally stuck giving it to a player who is heavily marked.

When playing as Any, there are numerous mistakes, now while their are players in the team far better than me, Panda and Godplant spring to mind immediately, either nobody is willing to challenge you playing as ANY, or you don't present the attitude that you're willing to accept somebody may be better.

We're not all amazing at every position, but we need to know which players are best in which scenarios, we need the exceptional guys playing as ANY which gives us the best chance with the ****** AI, and people to play how they know it should be played.

Uh oh.

I hope that wasn't meant to be some sort of an attack, I'm sure it wasn't just may have come out a bit off. As you can see I'm trying to set an example here by remaining temperamental and not losing my cool and getting personal.

I'm not the only one resorting to runs, I've seen others doing it as well but I don't do it all the time and certainly don't play out of position remaining offside. You talk about passes yet I could easily demolish a few individuals in regards to their passing, but that's not the point as this is about learning not getting stroppy because it's not gone to plan. We can look at pass accuracy and see who can really pass if that's what you're so concerned about but no it isn't because everyone needs to be good at it not just one person. You came into the team recently and haven't seen me and duck for example play which includes quick 1 2 passing, if somebody is losing the ball maybe you need to think about the other players and whether they are in space available to pass to or not.

Not quite sure why you're going on about Any, that night was the first time I played as Any as nobody else stepped up and at the end I let Panda do it because I like people being able to play different positions and give everyone a chance. The usual Any is plant who wasn't available. Anyway you were keeper and made mistakes did me or anybody else criticse you? Nope because it was your first game in that position like for me and I hope you didn't take some of my sarcastic banter comments too seriously which may be the case here. So the point here is everyone is prone to mistakes and no need to launch an assault at someone specific because that's not how a team works.

If the 3 that played last night played in the style we did last night against 3 from the other night using the other style of play the result would be very interesting... not saying 1 is better than the other in every situation but we would win��

We hardly played any style though, was trying to but it's difficult when individuals would rather knock it forward then think strategically. Well done on the goals anyway ;)
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I agree with the last bit, it's one of the issues with communicating online messages can often be misinterpreted. Even if they do or don't sound right to you doesn't mean it'll be the same for the other person.

I never said anything about losing due to new players, I said that we do have new players which is an entirely valid point. Have I said anywhere it's a bad thing?
I think we should just play to enjoy it, I don't see the need to strive for Division 1, it will mainly be full of clubs with glitched 95 rated pros, people who quit if you score in the first 5 minutes or people with god awful play2win styles that are extremely tedious and boring to play against.

That's the plan tbh, what I've been mentioning is so we can try something new and make it more rewarding for us. Otherwise like you said it'd just be the same ol as every other team, so switching it up means we are unique and can create goals and chances that other teams are unable to.

Anybody on tonight?
Si, always good to have some new players onboard :)

Some good news I've finally got a better controller so can enjoy being more precise with everything ;)
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