Looks like modding won't just be ending for PES it will for FIFA too.

The latest from Ariel who makes the Moddingway mod:

My conclusions after the first look are that FIFA 17 is almost impossible to mod. In best of cases we will be able to add textures but do not expect more than that. Modding FIFA as we know has ended. Forget about new teams, tournaments, etc. I repeat, if we are lucky we will be able to add textures and probably it will take long time until we find out how to do it.

As someone who mostly just plays career mode on both games with the occasional game of seasons thrown in that's a huge disappointment :(
Not sure whether to bother with FIFA on PC again :(

I have both FIFA15 + FIFA16 on PC as I don't have PS4/XBONE

I pre-ordered 16 based on the demo gameplay last year which got patched/changed about 2 weeks after the game released :(
Also the FUT market seems so small in comparison to the PS4/XBONE :(

The game would be so much better if it had cross platform multiplayer like rocket league but then I guess PC players could macro etc
Had a chance to try it out just now - Am really impressed with the graphics engine. Everything ran silky smooth which I'm very happy about!

I tried "The Journey" and it looks like it has everything I've wanted out of a Career mode for Fifa - I've been wanting something like this for ages :D

The gameplay is... okay... I'm sure it'll take a little time to get used to, and to be fair, I haven't played Fifa in a little while so I'm a little rusty.

All in all, roll on the full release :p
Some tweaks for the demo

Open locale.ini in the /data folder with notepad

Change the half length numbers to anything you want, just be aware that stamina is set on 4 minutes so players will be knackered at half time
Add to the first line


These cut out the gubbins you have to go through when you launch the game
First remove remove the 'USE_LANGUAGE_SELECT = 1' from lower down
Then add this at the top

I tried "The Journey" and it looks like it has everything I've wanted out of a Career mode for Fifa - I've been wanting something like this for ages :D

Yeah, same here. Not really fussed for multiplayer as none of my mates have a PC to play against and I've always quite liked the single player 'be a pro' modes.

Wonder if it's cheap in Mexico or India this year :D
144hz support has made my mind up I'll be picking this up for PC again this year.
Runs excellent on my system @1440p ultra 4xAA gameplay solid 130fps cap

Some tweaks for the demo

Open locale.ini in the /data folder with notepad

Change the half length numbers to anything you want, just be aware that stamina is set on 4 minutes so players will be knackered at half time

These cut out the gubbins you have to go through when you launch the game

Does the game just automatically run at 144hz if that's what the monitor is set to?

Can't see option in game to adjust it

When you start the game, under "Game Settings", there's an option to remove the frame limit. I guess that's what you need to enable 144hz?
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