Had some decent pack luck this morning from the UCL SBC’s. UCL Sterling from the 3 player one and IF Lozano from the marquee matchups.
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Even though I said I'd take coins, I'm still tempted with packs....aghhh!

Casemiro and if taa. Could've been worse as I've just about made the 50k back :D

Got sterling and Mina for my picks so can't complain
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Given I'd completely stripped my club down to the bare bones I decided to take untradables from the Rivals rewards to give me some SBC fodder... and SBC fodder I recieved.

Stirling and Stuani from the champs picks, wont use either of them but decent rating if I need to throw them into SBC's down the line.
Since the new patch granted the auto tackling has slowed down a bit, but has anyone else found the AI blocking more passes/shots than before? Just seems like everything got smaller & the ball got bigger!

Now, tradable or untradable packs...tempted to stick with untradable to be able to open more seeing as I got royally screwed by cdkeys at Black Friday and missed packs then :(
Best from Ricals rewards were Peresic & Thiago, bith untradable, both 86, both earmarked for the baby Icon SBC! - Unless I go do Pato, many people used him?
lol just played a guy at 1550 SR with Ferdinand, Hierro, Makelele, Zanetti, purple Hazard and Auba. Guy was unsurprisingly woeful but just a thoroughly unpleasant experience playing teams like that with normal players, going the full 90 without winning a single 50-50, they just bobble through tackles, bleurgh.

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