when do all the players come into packs as i will have quite a few packs from rivals and leagues but am away from friday until monday so hoping they all go in thursday night :)

I think it will be Thursday / Friday onwards

It will be defenders and goalkeeper this evening for 24 hours
Really enjoying my team now! Not really playing any better, still around same skill level, but feels good. :) (That will all change when I get smashed in WL as usual)

Tevez is a beast, Rui Costa is silky.
The streamers opening stuff with all their money means you don't have to waste yours. Ah.

To be honest, right now I'm fairly happy with my team, any upgrades going forward are gonna cost a tonne. Just gonna try enjoy what I have and not rage...
C'mon now folks, help me out, would you get Ronaldo, or 3 or 4 icons/higher end players that could work well?

Sold Crespo, sitting on about 2.6mil with Bale, a good Serie A Defense with Prime Campbell, then Prime Hagi & Rui Costa, RTTF SMS & FB Boateng and the usual club players most people seem to have, can't decide which way to go with things, half tempted to try Best and people seem to rave about him.
I haven't played against many Icons, the only one to stand out was Cryuff. I played a number of times against Rivaldo, Stotchkov, Hagi, Rui Costa, Campbell etc and they've never stood out.

The problem is with Icon center mids like Scholes/Gerrard/Lambard etc, how are they going to stand out? Passing is just random and even the best players with great passing make the same mistakes as NIF players. They're not built or quick enough to be like Pogba so pointless spending the ridiculous money for them,

Ronaldo is a nightmare to play against as he can do everything, short/long shots, heading, corners etc. Just need to be on it constantly to stop him.
That was like a flashback to FUT 14, played 8 games, lost them all, rage quit most 3-0 down within 30 mins, teams wouldn't do a thing no runs not making efforts on crosses, all awful. Not sure I want Ronaldo now, if this keeps happening and he is in the lineup it's just embaressing!

do you ever change formation midway through a match?

i have 2 formations but i'm thinking of making more but i think it might then become too complicated.

if my default 4231 isn't working (he has set full backs to defend) i switch to 41212 (narrow) and then play inside and expose him by doing quick 1-2's and through balls.

if nothing is working for you in a game you have to read the game realise your shape is wrong and change it. sometimes i have noticed a hidden morale mechanic too. as in some games fabinho will play like be like franz beckenbauer and others he is fumbling fool like fellaini. i don't understand how or why this is other than something hidden in the game which is completely random to make it more "realistic" as in any player can have a bad day but those players with better stats help overcome this hidden mechanic by being more consistent due to their better stats. this is why top players play better more consistently.

the only thing you can do is if it isn't working is use custom tactics.

4231 and 41212 (narrow) are 2 of the best formations in the game. is there any other formations people find are more consistent than others? i'm looking to add a third to my arsenal.
I tend to switch to 442 if one goal up with 15 mins left, not to 'hold on', it is just so well balanced and defensively sound.
I start with 442, use that all game if it's going well. I have 4312 if I struggle with that (rest of tactics the same
I have 3521 as my ultra attacking for the last 20minutes if I am loosing.
I tend to switch to 442 if one goal up with 15 mins left, not to 'hold on', it is just so well balanced and defensively sound.
I tried it and couldn't get on with it. I enjoyed 4222 more. If it's a close match and I'm leading in the last 15, I tend to go 4231(2) with everyone coming back on defence.
I generally use 41212(2) have varying setups of it and U Defensive is set to 451(2) with EVERYONE pulled back!

if I'm 1 up near the end I generally switch to attacking, not defensive as I find it mush easier to play a small structured build up game behind enemy lines than try and fumble it around my defense, at this time the opponent is also more than likely on Attacking so not as many in defense to stop what I try to do, I don't really do "conventional" :D
I generally use 41212(2) have varying setups of it and U Defensive is set to 451(2) with EVERYONE pulled back!

if I'm 1 up near the end I generally switch to attacking, not defensive as I find it mush easier to play a small structured build up game behind enemy lines than try and fumble it around my defense, at this time the opponent is also more than likely on Attacking so not as many in defense to stop what I try to do, I don't really do "conventional" :D

That is why you lose 8 in a row
I didn't get to near the end of most of those games! I think Div 5 finally kicked in and whooped me! :D Skill rating got higher than my actual skill, started playing against people with 2 hands! :(

I got relegated to Div 5, I was in Div 3 last week! :D

I'm great one evening then woeful the nex. The problem is when I lose and playing poor, I don't switch off the game, I just keep playing and getting worse, changing tactics, teams, camera angles, controls everything - its great!! I think I'm due a good night tonight.
I got relegated to Div 5, I was in Div 3 last week! :D

I'm great one evening then woeful the nex. The problem is when I lose and playing poor, I don't switch off the game, I just keep playing and getting worse, changing tactics, teams, camera angles, controls everything - its great!! I think I'm due a good night tonight.

Last night I was tired & stressed too, plus one of the cats insists right now that if I'm sitting down I am HIS CHAIR! Therefore was sat playing leaning back with my feet up, not in the leaning forward in anger, elbows digging into thighs (aka: Fifa sitting) I don't go changing controls & cameras, barely change team, just switch a few players round, any team change right now that involves selling people or buying people seems to involve major thought for me, hence the Ronaldo situation! Of which I don't think I'll be able to get Ronaldo & 89 Nedved :(

I'm hoping the Fifa gods are smiling on me tonight, then I have to try not to open the Rivals/Weekend League reward packs tomorrow morning or until all TOTY are in packs! First ever FUT 19 Red Card player pick coming tomorrow too, I know it'll be a dire one!
I got relegated to Div 5, I was in Div 3 last week! :D

I'm great one evening then woeful the nex. The problem is when I lose and playing poor, I don't switch off the game, I just keep playing and getting worse, changing tactics, teams, camera angles, controls everything - its great!! I think I'm due a good night tonight.

This is me also, I don't often go on tilt, but when I do its an implosion of epic proportions. On Monday I went from 2100 skill points to 1780. The game play was crap and heavy, I couldn't get anything going but I was determined that I'd keep trying until I won one. Defending like a mad man, rushing my play, I got handled repeatedly.

Went and did something else, few games later I'm back up to 1950.
I'm going to give 4222 a go, see if I can find some consistency.

I used it for a while and had a good run in the WL with it.

I've just bought Ronaldo so I'm hoping he's as good as everybody says. I had to sell prime Sócrates to get him and he was doing really well for me but I'm getting fed up of my clunky auba up front.
I used it for a while and had a good run in the WL with it.

I've just bought Ronaldo so I'm hoping he's as good as everybody says. I had to sell prime Sócrates to get him and he was doing really well for me but I'm getting fed up of my clunky auba up front.

Whats the team now? I'm looking for inspiration!
I used it for a while and had a good run in the WL with it.

I've just bought Ronaldo so I'm hoping he's as good as everybody says. I had to sell prime Sócrates to get him and he was doing really well for me but I'm getting fed up of my clunky auba up front.

Ronaldo is just as clunky as Auba tbh, he isn't a particularly "fun" player to use.

You get your fun using Ronaldo from winning, because he is deadly. You won't be going on mazy runs, he won't feel like much of a threat as some of your pacy wingers that can turn on a dime, but he'll score again and again and again.
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