Why the hell am I playing the likes of Ronaldinho in div 5 ffs

I worry much more about the player rather than the players. I'd rather face a lesser player with a full icon team than a much better player with a discard gold team. If skill levels are equal it helps though for sure.
new for sure 3 TOTY players makes it pretty beast then you have POTM hazard, ferdinand, varane and courtois, it's beast players everywhere the only "weak spot" is LB can you not get baby Maldini?
I like alonso, Chelsea will get far so he will be pretty good in the end. One hell of a team though
I worry much more about the player rather than the players. I'd rather face a lesser player with a full icon team than a much better player with a discard gold team. If skill levels are equal it helps though for sure.

Yes but any idiot can finesse with a an amazing player.
Yes but any idiot can finesse with a an amazing player.

Have you got the hang of moving your keeper yet? It's the only way to stop the timed finesse shots from good players.

That is the game now, timed finesse, first time shots being the best and hardest to stop. I don't concede too many really, partly due to good GK movement. I score tons though :p
Screw it, team is on the market

This will either work out really well or be the biggest mistake I've ever made.

Part of the fun mate, trying different players! I’ve got 4 or 5 really strong teams and I’m considering selling them all to make one good one, will wait for the market to pick up
I sold players I thought would never leave my club, its hard... but I think this is the final squad - priority will probably be either Kondogbia or an upgrade Pogba going forward. I'll try and upgrade Griezman as he gets special cards.

Alonso is subbed on at the start, with Marcelo moving into the CDM postion.

Crikey, you could attracted a small crowd on YouTube opening packs for all that lot.

Be good to see some streams to see how it played.
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