Normally I would agree with you Sonny and I would happily buy it and invest real money. However this year is the first time I’ve felt dejected pretty much every time I play an online match. I genuinely regret putting money in (which I never normally do) and won’t be buying the game next year. I have less free time to game as the years goes on and I refuse to waste it playing such an awful game.
The promotions are one thing but the game play is actually dreadful too now, there are no positives.
So you have 4.4 million to finish this squad. Neymar has gone and Walker is RB. I can't a decision!
I got 91 Van Basten for CAM, clunky as hell so far, worse touch than Lukaku!
I wasn't keen on him tbh. He was my first icon but he didn't last long in my team.
I decided to sell totgs Griezmann and put Neymar on the right and try rttf Yedder at CAM and it seems to be working well so far, he scored two on his debut.
The game play could have easily been sorted by not introducing timed shooting. Not nerfing auto ai defending by too much. Getting rid of hidden morale. Reduce the number of games for weekend league and objectives.
Basically fifa have made it so it's pretty much the only game you play exclusively. Plus you need to put money in to really compete. The worst thing is all the people out there who give their hard earned cash for their kids to blow it on virtual players who only last like a max of 12 months before they need to start all over again.
A guy at work his nephew keeps asking him to buy skins in fortnite. The skin he really wanted was £30 and he got upset when he didn't buy it. He then basically bought him it for his Christmas.
Worst thing is skins don't do anything in fortnite apart from cosmetic changes.
Gaming has lost its way some what. I'm going to try and get my mate to buy pes I'm refusing to buy this I haven't played in 3 years and I'm glad I haven't since I'm invested now with time already put in I feel like I should play it until fifa 20. The whole pack selling ideology is something I don't agree with. Especially in a pay to win game. I don't mind it in fortnite because it makes zero difference if I get a cool skin it's a bonus but if I don't I don't care. Whereas in fifa if you pull a Ronaldo it's like winning the Euro millions. It's a form of gambling targeting kids. Something should be done about it. It should be regulated same goes for YouTubers promoting such games. Gambling has ruined a lot of lives and I'm sure fifa has likely soured a few relationships too. It's why I have yet to play more than 20 games on a weekend and only done the weekend league twice so far. You have to have zero social life to play 30 games it's like 8 to 9 hours of fifa with no breaks.
The perfect set up for kids but not adults.
Are these new players only in gold packs as I've seen some people say some are still classed as silver?
From 16-4 to 20-10. Happy to get G1 but I shouldn't be needing to get it with one win to go; felt on top of a few games but just beaten out of nowhere.