Give the loan a trial if you haven't seen that, does look very good though. A lot of coins to put in an untradeable at this time of the game imo.Anyone done "flashback" Firmino, looks pretty decent?
Anyone done "flashback" Firmino, looks pretty decent?
Anyone done "flashback" Firmino, looks pretty decent?
My problem is for the coins I could just buy an icon who could play in both teams rather than Bobby who could play in 1
Trying to slog my way through objectives; Rice done inside 5 games, with any luck I do the other SB ones and Digne (2/5) tonight. Thank God I have Birthday Salah, makes it a lot easier
True, depends on your team though. I only have 1 team and already got a few icons. The only real upgrades are the real real expensive icons or maybe TOTY/TOTS cards. Bobby cost me about 400k I think using a load of untradeables and players I had. For a 93 rated card thats not bad.
Firmino any better than 89 Son? Could easily flog him & then do the SBC with some of the raised funds, just depends if it is really worth losing Son.
You guys having success with Firminho where are you playing him? Hes been deployed at CAM for me and been utterly ineffectual so far - I'd even go as far as to say he is anonymous.
I want to try & get Digne this week, LB is probably the weakest position in my squad and he would fit in just right, FB Luiz to CAM it is!!
CAM and hell yes. Got dead eye on him and his though balls are insane. Nearly always the right amount of weight on the pass. His headers are a little bit hit and miss for me.You guys having success with Firminho where are you playing him? Hes been deployed at CAM for me and been utterly ineffectual so far - I'd even go as far as to say he is anonymous.