You guys reading my mind or something :mad: TOTY Messi @Rids tells me he’s average. Plan b TOTY kante and Eusebio 91, now you’re saying Kante ain’t that great. :(

Got 7.5 million and full trade pile burning a hole in my pocket, what’s to do. Sold ADP base after ~400 games who had a goal game. Stuck with that what to do now.

I really don't think you get much more from 99 Messi than you do his 96. There may be some bull**** goals you wouldn't get from his 96, but for me the 2 mil coins will be better invested elsewhere.

Show me what you havve so far and give me the budget and I'll see what I can put together.
Fill in the blanks got 6.4 million. Messi is playing striker Lucas moves to RM. After that open to ideas @Rids
Finished WL at 20-6, definitely getting better at the game. If i bothered to learn and use skill moves I could push on to 25+ wins but I honestly dont have the energy to learn them.
The 89 is much better, but couldn't stretch the budget that far. He is much more agile on the ball looking at the stats, I've not used either this year but I watch Kurt a lot and Eusebio is the best player in his team. I used both last year, the 89 was better.

I've used 82 Semedo extensively and not been thrilled with him, I like the 86. Varane 85 is very very good, the 88 will be godly although I have no hands on experience. Also I consider these cards a decent investment, if they're looking like an IF or their team gets a 3 win streak and looks like they might hit a 4th you should be able to flip for profit.
20-10, again went down to last game. Never been screwed over by Fifa so much in one weekend, had to play like an utter utter **** in the last game to get a result.

Really hoping the new patch fixes finishing, I'm sick to death of hitting the woodwork at this point.
Yeah toty mbappe was a post magnet too. Still sat on my coins and only played to 11 wins zero motivation

Couldn't even get to 11, the game is just pathetic. Every goal is a shambles and matchmaking doesn't work, one tryhard megasquad after another. Shameful.
Yeah toty mbappe was a post magnet too. Still sat on my coins and only played to 11 wins zero motivation
I'm the same, couple of bad gameplays put me right off it.
I went off fifa 19 around April time but at this stage I might be off before march. Which sucks as I got great pack luck at the beginning but it's not enough to keep me going anymore.
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