Nah that sounds totally legit. Often getting your wages that have been owed to you for 9 years can make you appreciate your former boss and thus not compete in the election.
It doesn't look does it? Paid 10 years later, doesn't initially give the reason he eventually uses as to why that payment took so long, suspiciously gets paid shortly after announcing he won't be standing against Blatter and FIFA had plenty in the coffers when he should have got paid.
Why don't FIFA release the report by Garcia, if they are so innocent, its release would quash quite a few issues......
Now Visa and Budweiser backing McD's and Coke. Still refusing!!
The sheer arrogance of this guy is relentless. It has to be that soon as he steps down, he knows he has lost control and everything will be revealed.
I see where you're coming from but surely if he goes down, which he probably will if he refuses to stand down then he will take all of them with him. So why not try and cover that now?
Only in Fifa would a guy who has already 'stood down' (4 months ago!) then get a suspension from the job he's already stood down from! Just kick the bloke out ffs you're making yourself look a laughing stock.
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