Jeffrey Webb, Fifa vice-president in charge of North and Central America, was among those arrested by Swiss police in a raid on a luxury hotel in the early hours of 27 May.
The seven are among 14 defendants the US has charged with racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering conspiracies.
In a 47-count indictment unveiled in a New York federal court, they were accused of taking part "in a 24-year scheme to enrich themselves through the corruption of international soccer".
The indictment alleges that US and South American sports marketing executives paid and agreed to pay "well over $150m" in bribes and other illegal payments to obtain lucrative media and marketing rights to football tournaments.
The corruption was planned in the US, the indictment said. The use of US banks to transfer money appears to have been key to the investigation.
The charges follow a three-year FBI investigation. It was initially sparked by the bidding process for the Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022 World Cups, but was then widened to look back at Fifa's dealings over two decades.
Are people incapable or reading or seeing beyond their own hatred? People have been banging on about Blatter from the start, largely because the English media hate him as we haven't won a world cup bid.... that we knew we couldn't win before we spent 20mil on it. Our on guy has accepted gifts in the past, our own guys have paid and helped Warner before... but lets blame Blatter.
The majority of this investigation is based around Concacaf, which is crazily corrupt. Fifa has little to no control over the president of another federation. The corruption they are investigating was planned and organised in the states, involves US/south american companies, the payments were made through US banks and after three years of investigating they have not indicted Blatter.... but everyone here thinks he's guilty for the Concacaf being corrupt as hell for 20+ years?
The narrative from the start from the US and UK was corruption in Fifa... it's all Blatter, he's the one. The facts from the start... after years of investigating they have a massive ludicrous mountain of evidence of corruption from people all around Concacaf including the US Fifa/Concacaf candidate who is so outwardly and visibly corrupt it's hilarious. The US
KNEW this guy was corrupt for the past 20 years and did nothing about it. Not sure if he was involved when the USA had the world cup... probably did, probably paid for votes, but they won(the bid to host that is) so it's all fine.
This time they bid on a world cup, lost and... well, probably it would seem a bunch of companies who all paid millions for votes to get the world cup back to the USA got upset when they didn't win and an investigation into how their almighty american corruption failed to work was started.
As for yet all proof points to Concacaf being corrupt as ****, everyone with half a brain knowing it and this is and always has been America/south american/concacaf members responsibilities.
I'm absolutely fine with hating Blatter, though he's done a U-turn on goal line and is one of the first people to be talking positively about video replays(which the sport desperately needs). This thread is effectively about Concacaf corruption and how crap American/south American has been in dealing with them and how long they've let them get away with this. However the UK and US media are attempting to frame the problem as a Blatter problem simply because Blatter isn't unfairly pro US/UK/Western Europe and is happy to take the world cup anywhere and everywhere... as it damn well should.
I'll also state, it's perfectly possible he's corrupt and they will eventually get him, but nothing at all so far has pointed towards really much of anything beyond Concacaf being involved. I really don't know what people think Fifa is, they aren't a police force, they don't have monumental powers. If people go to meetings for Fifa then go back to their normal jobs as parts of the individual federations and then start accepting bribes on the quiet into secret accounts... there is not much at all that Fifa can do about it. What can be done is the individual federations themselves can spot and remove these people... and none of them have.