***FIFA11 PS3 10v10 Club***

I was a little rusty for the first few games as i hadn't played for a week but contributed more in the last three matches. If we play two up front it might be good to have a tall powerful striker who can hold the ball up and win headers and a smaller quicker guy? Also it only takes 30 seconds to change your VP to suit the new position and it's worth changing especially if your going to be a winger.
also kill in 1 game last night i think you went a bit overboard with the skills, and while its great that you can do them, chances are if we are winning and u start doing that all over the pitch, they might just drop on us or something.

theres rubbing something in their face and then theres rubbing salt into their eyes i think you were much closer to the latter

Yep agreed in hindsight. Sorry about that I won't do them as much. :)
yea deffo its worth going little and large...but when u did we moved away from crossing the ball to passing it which was definately wrong lol. i even tried some passes and then thought to myself. WTF am i doing he a giant why am i not putting it in the air...but i was tired by then anyhow.

Yep agreed in hindsight. Sorry about that I won't do them as much. :)

dont get me wrong it was pretty amusing but can u imagine being on the other side of it? i think they only had 2 players too so i only takes 2 secs for them to drop.

myself on the other hand, i like to keep the other team interested. if i have to pass it across my own goal line or score some own goals, then so be it!!!
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Just to re-iterate my stance on yesterday - the only reason I left was that I just knew playing with so many people would just lead to a VP ranked game with players not being diligent about sticking to their position and marking players and not wondering off on every attack and therefore leaving predominantly Beenom and his poor generic defence to deal with every counter attack...

That first game proved that and experience from FIFA 10 Club when we had a load on at one time or the other just re-enforces that. Im more than happy to just not play Club on those days and Ive already done that a couple of times this year - I play quite regularly so its no skin off my nose to have a day off - I think Im not really an asset anyway - I have way too many off games...

ps3ud0 :cool:
hm yea but when you do it, the ball seems to literally zip to the next person. when i do it... its like the ball might not actually roll as far as that persons feet...

is it a trait im missing like, fast pass or something?
Your VPs passing accomps arent as developed - my tips with such a VP would be not to use ground through balls at all - the success rate is a lot lower than in FIFA 10, even with a very good VP. Also for some stupid reason the receiver will try and match his pace with the ball to attempt to accept it like a normal pass but as its a through ball it slows them down too long and allows the ball to change hands (its quite obvious to notice the pace change)

Id also avoid any passes that are further than half the width of the pitch - FIFA 11 is very defensively biased and there are situations where you think the receiver is in loads of space but somehow a defender intercepts it magically. Its blatant cheating, but you have to accept it and play accordingly...

On the flip side square passes are a bit more forgiving - they are usually pretty accurate and speedy and if you ensure the receiver is in space they can normally control it without many problems. Again though avoid long balls, unless the situation dictates it, these are literally another type of shortish pass to use. Also driven passes might be something to practise - tho you need direct line of sight and need to be more accurate than a normal square pass...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Just to re-iterate my stance on yesterday - the only reason I left was that I just knew playing with so many people would just lead to a VP ranked game with players not being diligent about sticking to their position and marking players and not wondering off on every attack and therefore leaving predominantly Beenom and his poor generic defence to deal with every counter attack...

honestly i dont know how true that is.

Fact is we played 2 teams straight away that were miles better than us all over the pitch. no one could do anything about it. it wasnt specifically because there was too many people, it was just that we were outclassed. the opponents had a lot of human players too, they were just better than we were. (more used to it, more practice, more skill better average VPs etc). in those games me and jojo were in midfield and ive got to say we defended quite a bit certainly tried to mark up and clear the decks. its not as though everyone just ran forward and forget the rest of the details.

after we got over that hurdle we didnt do too bad for a few games still with a large number of people.

I play quite regularly so its no skin off my nose to have a day off - I think Im not really an asset anyway - I have way too many off games...

i dont think you cna be too self critical, everyone had similar moments that night.
I was a little rusty for the first few games as i hadn't played for a week but contributed more in the last three matches. If we play two up front it might be good to have a tall powerful striker who can hold the ball up and win headers and a smaller quicker guy? Also it only takes 30 seconds to change your VP to suit the new position and it's worth changing especially if your going to be a winger.
Id debate this - I find no value in having an overly tall ST in FIFA 11 (over 6ft), midgets can header so easily its scary. Also the loss in stamina, speed and ball control really seem to outweigh any benefits in height for me personally.

Having a strong ST seems to be the main way I find myself being useful. Looking at the opposition we face its more normal for them to have 2 small STs than anything else...

ps3ud0 :cool:
honestly i dont know how true that is.

Fact is we played 2 teams straight away that were miles better than us all over the pitch. no one could do anything about it. it wasnt specifically because there was too many people, it was just that we were outclassed. the opponents had a lot of human players too, they were just better than we were. (more used to it, more practice, more skill better average VPs etc). in those games me and jojo were in midfield and ive got to say we defended quite a bit certainly tried to mark up and clear the decks. its not as though everyone just ran forward and forget the rest of the details.

after we got over that hurdle we didnt do too bad for a few games still with a large number of people.
I would expect the regulars to agree with me - whenever theres a large amount of people on it leads to games that arent anything like when theres a smaller unit (6 max) - Im talking about any vague tactics or style of play we normally use just goes out of the window and is replaced by reaction more than anything. In previous FIFAs we could spilt the DR to keep the units small - we unfortunately cant in FIFA 11 and Im not the only one that thinks thats one of the worst things EA has done to Club...

And trust me NickG - I might not be that good at FIFA Club overall, but I truly stink in FIFA 11 Club, especially considering how much effort Ive put into removing the issue of a poor VP...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Posistioning goes to the dogs when theres more than 5/6 on

Plus it's not fair on nom controlling generic defenders + his out of posistion VP

Don't know why they removed the option of having multiple rooms, annoying.
P.S. Please dont take me as dismissive, I tend to have a post style thats quite to the point and more than happy to try things if what we are doing doesnt work and (try?) listen to opposing opinions. I think Im reasonable but can understand if people think I take this too seriously/passionately - the main thing I expect is people to attempt to learn from their mistakes...

The main gripe I have is that because keeping possession is such a premium in 11 Club, things like using comms more to announce what you are doing if its not a basic pass I think would help a lot, if only if it means that the receiver has an idea to get into a particular position/stance - that at least increases the chance theyll get it than assuming no communication will work.

I think the regulars have a bit of work on this - too used to playing 10 Club and having the game come easy to us (well Ill admit Im having issues) - I know its only been a fortnight but this is the time to start laying some foundations, especially if we want Club to survive past FIFA 11...

@NickG - I think I have the same issues as you when it comes to comms but its more intermittent, some days its fine (using Baps trick) but on other days I just get static replaced with anybody talking to me (sometimes its only the opposing team though). This can happen for the whole session or after a few normal games but it stops working for that whole session. All I can suggest is keep trying comms - it might be like mine and happens occasionally - not sure if youve tried it since youve noticed the issue...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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TBH if it was against Pro CPU it would be a far more useful tool - we all know what the CPU is like at higher levels where it effectively 'cheats' in offline play - Ill give it a go but be amazed if we score a single goal let alone learn something from it.

Honest answer - Ill give it a go and will try my best, but cant see it as a useful exercise, but its all weve got...

Its just so deflating when it subs off Torres and puts on Drogba or David Villa - its one sadistic option...

P.S. Ive replied enough - be interested to see what others think - sometimes my assumptions are unfounded ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Plus it's not fair on nom controlling generic defenders + his out of posistion VP
well why doesnt get control his VP instead of any in that case and leave defence on CPU duty?

The main gripe I have is that because keeping possession is such a premium in 11 Club, things like using comms more to announce what you are doing if its not a basic pass I think would help a lot, if only if it means that the receiver has an idea to get into a particular position/stance - that at least increases the chance theyll get it than assuming no communication will work.

i know, my mindset is based on reactions from PES, if i get into trouble ill just ping it to the next guy... and thats fine when you control everyone and are expecting it...but not so good if your the person who is going to get a pass dumped on them when you arent expecting it.

but then my mind also says, if you are near the ball and your not expecting some form of pass when you can see that the person on the ball is about to be closed down, then you must not be concentrating
I don't think that playing against the CPU will help us in any areas but I'll give it a go if that's what everybody else wants. I think the CPU forces you to play in a way which is very different to how you'd play against human opponents so it's usefulness as a preparation tool still needs to be proven.
I don't think that playing against the CPU will help us in any areas but I'll give it a go if that's what everybody else wants. I think the CPU forces you to play in a way which is very different to how you'd play against human opponents so it's usefulness as a preparation tool still needs to be proven.

Yeah I agree with that, no human club is going to play like a legendary cpu team,

But it would help with lag issues and would also help teach people to stick in and around their posistion to have some sort of normal shape, instead of a cdm whos in the box for a cross instead of a striker ;p

And pol, me and kill scored against the cpu a few times, never beat them but that was when we had 76 OVR VP's! :P
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