***FIFA11 PS3 10v10 Club***

Can people still continue making progress on their VPs - really should be on 85 by now :p

ps3ud0 :cool:

im working on it, but every time i pass, ppl miss the goal, or pick off the keeper, denying me my assist achievements!

also going past someone with a berbatov turn seems to not register as taking someone on with skill and im 1 away from 15 (or is it 20) skilled player take outs..

im slowly working towards them, i need 1 more ice game... a few more assists, but then im onto the advanced shooting really which is like, 'score 19 goals in one half' type difficulty...

will add ppls on my FL. thats a 'to do asap' action on my behalf.

RE GT5: deffo, but for the first week or so it will probably be track familiarisation and getting some creds in to buy some decent hardware for the online bit
Assists/Goals come freely when people that want to pass to you find you in assigned position - I think Ive said it to you a few times and Ill keep saying it (Im not trying to be harsh - just think you try too hard :p). Watch how others play their position and youll notice a distinct difference...

Once you unlock what I mean and use it you will find the game a lot easier because you wont try to be in 400 places at once, but in the one place I need you to be to pass to you or set you up or the place to mark a runner rather than chasing the ball around the pitch...

Ive got the worst VP here by far but a lot of my link play depended on knowing where Jonny should be and passing to the space he would be able to exploit. I played a load of chipped balls because I know they work and are hard to cover off but they are also hard to judge...

Actually a few people should heed my words...

A few general points I want to raise:

a) If you are wide with the ball - dont always think a cross is required. We lost a few goal chances because a simpler (much earlier) ball into the box was required rather than a cross - all a cross does it tell the other team to mark up, while an earlier ball doesnt allow them to do this. Am I the only one that seems to notice this?

b) Dont ignore the CPU if you need to find someone to pass to - preferably use them for 1-2s. Just kept seeing people trying passes to Humans that were completely marked time and again. You dont need to play forward (though a direct pass back to CPU is stupid as whoever is on you will be on them in seconds) - keeping possession is key...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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It needs to be a mixture I think re crossing, I've seen a large number of goals scored from crosses so it obviously works some times, but saying that, if the team is marked up in the box I do try to mix it up, with maybe a grounded pass to the edge of the box.

I know I didn't play very well the other night, but I am terribly inconsistent so will probably be much better next time ;)
Its more the point we know crosses work, the other team know crosses work (most of the time when they are put in there first time on a counter) so when you delay it or attempt to cross in a marked box the percentage success is low because just like us they will mark up with normally superior numbers to defend.

One of the things me and Beenom did a lot in FIFA 10 was that if he was ST and went wide on my wing I would pass to him and overlap him and get into the box and expected a return pass and a good chance on goal rather than him crossing. The reason I got this chance is because Beenom moving wide left space and took at least one defender with him which left me with a decent chance to control and decide my shot rather than hope my head gets on his cross...

We cant be better than our abilities and last night as a team we played pretty damn well (won all the games and got a draw?!?) - I just want people to identify scenarios where theres more than one way to construct a chance. Im not asking to think on your feet just realise that doing the same action again and again can be easily defended, work out what works and where and try and get that to be an option in your game.

P.S. Im not trying to dictate this is what is wrong and how to fix it, more that this is what I think is wrong and how we could fix it - really Id rather have people say what their ideas are and if they think I am wrong than just agreeing. If you agree, dont tell me, just show me on the pitch...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I thought i would warn you guys theres a growing trend of teams using the a.i to defend for them. It seems wierd how every one started using it all of a sudden. Durring the day no one was using it, then we came up against a really bad team who was using the ai defend for them, they won 1-0 they had like one shot we was all over them put couldnt make any chances. We put it down to being one of them games and didnt think much of it, but after that every game we was playing people was using the a.i to defend for them.

Its not so bad when the team have 4 at the back but most teams are using ultra defensive formations and the pressure and tackles the ai pulls off is crazy at times. We are a good team with good players but we struggled to create any decent chances against the ultra defensive ai formation.

However thats not the worst part, some teams are using the a.i to provide perfect quick 40-60 yard passes to their pros which are near impossible to defend unless u got a dedicated player to mark the reciver. There was one side we up against that was using a 5 4 1 With a pro in goal another as acm the rest was ai. The ai striker got both there goals with 2 perfect shots from outside the box in the top corner.

It really feels like some sort of bug or exploit its ruining the game for me atm if i wanted to play the ai i would play offline. We have got better with dealing with it but it still sucks. I looked around a few forums mainly the ea one and cant find any mention of it, as i said seems really weird 90% of the clubs we played last night was using it out of the blue.

I am manager of the crew btw i think we played you guys a few times close games if i remember right.

Let me know if u have any clue whats going on or if anything like this happend on fifa 10.
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Not sure how long youve been playing Club - but using the CPU as the ANY isnt really a bad tactic as youve found out.

I think what youve been experiencing is the noob teams (the bloke and his mate teams) have started to realise that actually Club is hard and started to stop playing it so the teams you are now playing are actually half decent and know how to use the CPU to their benefit. Or youve got to certain level of points where you are now being matched with higher quality sides...

Weve been mostly using a CPU ANY for years over the last 3 versions as never had a good enough Human ANY to replace it regularly. Just be glad you cant use custom formations as per FIFA 10 as it was regular to play against 6/7 defenders...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Woot 5 star club!

Cant believe how consistent weve been - 1 loss, 1 draw and a number of wins the last 3 times we have played...

I know with GT5 out this week we wont play much - hopefully we can get a session in over the weekend?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Club tonight/tomorrow?

Unfortunately I find GT5 as a MP game is as dull and boring as GT5P was - great SP if you are a car collector, but I find Club far more rewarding for MP...

Find me in the normal places if interested :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
Ah forgot about that - always record it myself too - NickG is around. Im happy to start whenever but thought to give people some time if they are doing stuff and I need to eat.

Just pop into chat when you are around

ps3ud0 :cool:
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