Films that made you sit back and say 'what the hell was that all about ?'

Revolver, i still have no idea what it was about :confused:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the Butterfly Effect both confused me until my bf explained what they was all about.
VonClinkerhofen said:
21 grams.....I enjoyed it but it was confusing as hell as the chronology was all over the place

only managed to watch 25 mins of that film before i got annoyed an chucked it the dvd to the other side of the room
Stay,........I like Ewan Mcgregor but I lost the will to live after about five minutes.

Sin City I did not get either.Most people I've asked loved it though.
I was pretty confused with Vanilla Sky at first. I never heard of it and went to the cinema expecting some crappy soppy love thing.

Turns out I was wrong, then when it was realeased on DVD I went and got it and watched it again. It's a good film.
Twelve Monkeys - I was going through a bad spell at the time I watched it and I want to watch it again but it didnt really seem to make an awful lot of sense to me.
The Cube set of films ... they had me confused cos you don't really learn why they were put in there and in the last one when she gets out ... WTF :/

*and yea Napoleon Dynamite was the biggest load of crud i've seen in a while tbh :o
Big Chris said:
I love Mulholland Drive, Lynch at his best if you ask me.

Lost Highway I seem to recall is pretty odd too, only seen it once but am watching it again tonight having just acquired it so will let you know.

Thats what i was gona say, left me so confused i though the blood had rushed to my head. Shockingly strange. Makes no sense at all.
NumptyUK said:
Nightwatch. I think i just sat through it to see what else they could do with the subtitles more than anything else.

Another vote for Nightwatch here. Me and my mate went to see it after a Nandos, we did't really read the synopsis we just thought we would go as we had already seen the rest. Just about every 5 minutes we looked at each other with the "what the ****?" expression on our faces.

Can i just ask, what was that film even about? Email in trust :)

I was just sat there wondering what the hell was going on in front of me......

When you think about it after, it kind of makes a bit of sense, but it's still weird.
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