Films that made you sit back and say 'what the hell was that all about ?'

vodkacokebloke said:
I understood the plot, but Memento was better on the second visit for me
Indeed. It wasn't really a WTF just happened movie, it just messed with you in that how would you deal with these situations. A great flick all around, IMO.

Re: Punch Drunk Love
Sic said:
i'm the only person i know who actually likes that film. surprisingly he's quite a good dramatic actor.
I liked it as well, but you have to submit that it is indeed a strange film.

tuckenator said:
I thought unbreakable the film was terrible. No Point.
As a lover of comics-made-movies (with the exception of The Hulk), I thought this film was great. A perfect demonstration of 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction', and the hunt to find his 'other'.

NokkonWud said:
The Cell.
What was confusing about that? It's easy to pull off anything weird when you're living in dreamland.

AndyBorzi said:
Don't laugh at me, but I still don't get The Matrix! (the point to the last movie that is)
Not laughing. Some people really reached for deeper meaning in the films. But it summed up quite nicely with a solid story, written start to finish, about a war between humans and machines, and a man who developed to prevent the war and was not swayed by binary choices.
King4aDay said:
Had a quick skim of the thread, and I don't think anyone has mentioned Brazil, which is stunningly weird, but also rather fantastic.

Written/Directed by Terry Gilliam, so 'nuff said really!

I don't understand why people have a problem with Donnie Darko though. My son was 11/12 when he saw it and understood it (he had to explain it to his mum though :p ) perhaps he's got the same twisted mind as me...

Mulholland drive really left me with the WTF feeling.

Neo Genesis Evangelion confused the hell out of me, but I hadn't seen any of the others at that point so I was at a huuuuge disadvantage :D

G-MAN2004 said:
Jarhead. Not really much point in the film. Nothing exciting happens but it was alright and funny at times.

I was just about to post the same thing.

Not so much a complicated plot but what plot?

I actually enjoyed Hostel more than i enjoyed this. At the end of the film i was left with some sort of emptiness and feeling of :confused: :confused: :confused:.
Guy X - I half understood what was going on (I think... maybe), but ill be damned if I can see a point to it :(
Not a single person mentioned mission impossible, the Tom Cruise one.

I have not met one person who didn't think 'WTF!' when they first saw that. C'mon, own up people!

The only thing I thought was clever about Donnie Darko was how everything lead on to something else.... Fire... lead to mum going on the plane with daughter etc. Theres millions of those that I can't quite remmeber, but it does annoy me when people say 'I completely understand it' when its so open to interpretation.
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films that made you sit back and say 'what the hell was that all about?'

I think it was called 'freddie got fingured' what was that all about?
He's the guy with the snake in road trip.
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