Final Fantasy VII - "Remake"

Oh, so it's not the 2nd half of 7 then?

Sorry, I've been away from gaming for a while.
It'll be a trilogy overall.

The first part massively expands on the Midgar section, but as I said it's essentially a sequel rather than a remake. There is another game being released called Ever Crisis that looks to be a 1-1 remake with updated visuals and voice acting, but that's targeting mobile platforms from what I understand.
Finally got around to playing Crisis Core.

You could tell it was an old "expansion" type game, mostly due to the pacing and how the story was told. Big dump of information (almost more than through the entire game) after the last scene.

With that being said, I enjoyed it and am glad I'm caught up on the story. When I first started playing I considered the platinum trophy but I definitely don't think it would be a fun experience.

Bring on XVI and rebirth!
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