Make no mistake, this is a PC port, plain and simple. The simple act of getting online involves creating an account, verifying email, etc. This is an MMO to the core, a fact it flaunts more than it hides. The controls are ridiculously complicated at first, but once you start figuring it out and perhaps most importantly, tweaking it to how you want it, it becomes second nature and muscle memory starts to take over.
The character creation process is by far the best I've ever used, and for the first time in 36 years I actually spent 20 mins creating a character, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The music is very relaxing and peaceful, which is, for lack of a better word, lovely.
There is a LOT to take in. This game tries to ease you in to it a bit but male no mistake: if you're not the kind of person to enjoy MMORPGs, you won't last an hour. That said, finally figuring stuff out is all the more satisfying for it. The interface and navigation is confusing as hell at first, but I'm gradually getting used to it.
This isn't a game which dumbs things down for folks, it embraces all the complexities, all the intricacies, the customization options, the constant having to figure stuff out (for now at least) - it forces people to learn how things work and the experience is all the better for it. Last time I was this curious and intrigued about things was back in 2007 when I started playing World of Warcraft for the first time.
The graphics are simple yet perfectly functional. I suspect it'll look a lot better on PC but the whole reason for me wanting to get in to this is because I miss playing on the PS4.
The combat feels a bit clunky at first but I'm getting used to it, and pulling off some epic combos is very satisfying.
The game has everything you could wish for in an MMO. I'm yet to find one single aspect of WoW that this doesn't offer, and in many ways a lot of the things this game does, and how it does them, feels like logical progress from the way WoW does things.
There are plenty classes to go round, and you can genuinely make your character your own. The game works on the Holy Trinity principle: healer, tank, damage dealers. This is hands down the best system I've ever played in a game because you learn your role intimately. This was also the biggest disappointment for me in Destiny, when I found out that in raids you were just 6 dudes with guns, there are no specific roles. Being an absolute badass at your role, performing at your ultimate, knowing that your group wouldn't have killed the boss without you, is to this day the most satisfying feeling I have ever experienced in a game.
Make no mistake: this is a game that will test you. I got close to chucking in the towel when I couldn't figure out how to get to a quest objective but perseverance paid off and the game is all the more rewarding for it.
It's a shame it's an expensive game to play with a monthly sub as many consider that heresy but in my experience, sub based games are a whole new level of commitment from the developers. They engage in their communities and listen to what they have to say. The fact that Square Enix is one of the best around is just icing on the cake.
I can see myself spending WoW levels of time playing this game. The amount of content is insane and might even be the first game I've ever played which can hold a candle to WoW and in many aspects, beat it.
I can't wait for my next session. The learning curve is more of a cliff but then when every other game I've played in the last year or so has been about as sophisticated, and therefore rewarding as bloody Fortnite, this is a genuine refreshing change and one I honestly believe, based on my very short play time, the one I've been looking for for the last two years.
And as you all know, the search has been very, very real.
Anyway, meet Diddums Futtbucker: