Final Fantasy XV

7 Jun 2011
This is in wait mode. I'm not finding it hard btw, just messy and unsatisfying. Scan enemy, change weapon accordingly, beam about hitting stuff in the side and wait for random stuff to kick in. Call in team moves occasionally. The camera's often getting lost and much of the cool stuff you don't see. And there's no real sense of coordinating as a team and good decisions paying off - just ai running around all over the shop like headless chickens until the battle is over. Dragon's Dogma did it much better. In fact, this game with Dragon's Dogma combat would be amazing. I've gone back to active mode and am finding things a little better due to the extra challenge.

On the plus side - Chocobos and I now have the FF6 mp3 :)

I really dont understand why they moved so far away from what made fans love the series on the Combat you think its to appeal to younger/newer players of the series or is this a Japanese audience thing?

I'd like to understand the mindset of a dev when the general jist of the fans feedback is that the old style tactical combat was the best and yet they go ahead and completely change it to something that is awful.

As you say if they had changed it to Dragons Dogma or fixed Camera like Dark Souls or Witcher 3 then is would be a whole lot better.

I mean I fought a a boss at the end of a dungeon last night.....did a quick scan to see it was weak against Thunder, pause the game, quickly craft Quad Cast Thundara....cast and he pretty much goes down in 1 shot....then I fight 3 Wasps that cast confusion in a tight narrow corridor that you can barley hit as they fly...the frustration of running in the wrong direction and getting stuck and smacked made them far harder than the huge boss I had to fight. :eek:
25 May 2013
Need to find a weapon shop, I upgraded Noctis' sword but my other guys have been neglected! I'll need to search for it though, doesn't seem too hard to find places, drive on a road and hope! I did one bounty hunter, fairly easy being level 2 :p
30 Sep 2003
do you think its to appeal to younger/newer players of the series

That's most likely it. Make it a bit actiony and fast paced for the ADD generation. Problem is not the chnage of direction, but they haven't done it very well.

// It would have been better if you could pause the combat at any point, zoom out, look around and give direct commands to everyone in the party.
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8 Dec 2008
I'm about level 42 now and agree about the combat. Some gambits for the other party members like in XII would make the game a lot better, get them doing something useful.

The game is stupidly easy though. I find I'm just walking through everything, hit it with high level magic and hold down one button to finish off. Every fight is the same too, no real tactics.

That said I am enjoying it. it could have been so much better though.
30 Sep 2008
I must admit I'm not sure about the combat either, it doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy game to me. I don't like the fact I'm not in complete control of my parties actions, that's why I didn't really enjoy FFXIII's combat either.

Its still an enjoyable game though.
10 Mar 2007
I'm about level 42 now and agree about the combat. Some gambits for the other party members like in XII would make the game a lot better, get them doing something useful.

The game is stupidly easy though. I find I'm just walking through everything, hit it with high level magic and hold down one button to finish off. Every fight is the same too, no real tactics.

That said I am enjoying it. it could have been so much better though.

The end game is harder - that said did ultimate weapon (lvl 120) and still wasn't as insane as expected.

The post game special dungeon was epic though
2 Feb 2011
Wow! Only had a small amount of time to play tonight. But chapter 13 is seeming to go on forever!

I think this has been the weakest part of the game for me so far. Zegnautus Keep just seems to never want to end. So many endless corridors with occasional save rooms and vending machines to replenish supplies. Hope it gets to the next chapter soon...
26 Jul 2003
Agree with others; to me the early chapters feel like every other open world game out there with loads of fetch quests. Funny that FFXIII was roundly criticized for being so linear for most of the game; this fixes that and then suddenly doesn't feel like the same series.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I must admit I'm not sure about the combat either, it doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy game to me. I don't like the fact I'm not in complete control of my parties actions, that's why I didn't really enjoy FFXIII's combat either.

Its still an enjoyable game though.

FF has evolved past selecting menus as have a lot of JRPG's.
30 Sep 2003
FF has evolved past selecting menus as have a lot of JRPG's.

Unfortunately it has evolved into doing it competently. I don't think anyone has an issue with moving away from turnbased, they just want decent combat. As things stand I would prefer the old style as it's more involved, interesting and satisfying.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
WoFF is so cheesy. It has some of the most annoying voice actors/characters and it's the kind of game I'd feel embarrassed for someone to see me playing. That said, it has quite a fun combat mechanic and I will try finish it at some point.
10 May 2004
South UK
I'm desperately trying to enjoy this game, I really am.

It all just feels really....clumsy.

The camera can be annoying, aiming doesn't seem to work right some times and I find myself just button smashing until something happens. I find myself being trampled on by big enemies so the screen is just a close up of the big enemy and I can't see what's going on.

Maybe I'm just not built for this style of game :(
2 Feb 2011
I ended up getting to the part where Noctis gets the gang back together and breaks the machine blocking his powers, then at the next save point I used Umbra to go back in time. Just felt like doing some more of the side content before getting to the end of the game.
5 Dec 2008
Agree with others; to me the early chapters feel like every other open world game out there with loads of fetch quests. Funny that FFXIII was roundly criticized for being so linear for most of the game; this fixes that and then suddenly doesn't feel like the same series.

I felt sorry for 13 it gone so much hate that imo was over top I loved all 3 parts and when part 2 and 3 opened up more they moaned again saying wasn't open enough and too many fetch stuff, they couldn't win. He'll I don't want 15 or any other ff to be like a ubisoft open world game and 50 plus of every side mission or variation (like division) where over all its mostly pointless. I'd rather have allot less that's more interesting
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