Final Fantasy XV

Has anyone managed to get the hang of fishing? I have a quest where I need to catch a fish, but the line keeps breaking! I know I'm supposed to turn the rod to match the way the fish is going and not reel when theres tension on the line, but its still so damn hard!
Has anyone managed to get the hang of fishing? I have a quest where I need to catch a fish, but the line keeps breaking! I know I'm supposed to turn the rod to match the way the fish is going and not reel when theres tension on the line, but its still so damn hard!

Also don't reel when the fish splashes. Try to get the right lure for the fish you're after.
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Think i will get this after christmas seems people like it.

Definitely worth it.....for me my 2 favourite games of all time are The Witcher 3 and FFVII...this is like moulding those two bar the flaky combat, its a must buy for fans of FF and Open World RPGs.
I personally think the combat is terrible....its hold O to attack or hold Square to dodge......all the tactics of old really go out the window and the camera angles make it horrendous, especially if fighting near bushes or trees....but the rest of the game is so good, I can overlook it to some degree.

I find it OK against single targets, but yeah, it's poor when the screens full of mobs. Using the triggers for attacking/dodging helps btw as it lets you keep your thumbs on the triggers and control the camera.
I found a really good rod and reel for sale at the fishing shop at Vesperpool. Makes fishing so much easier! The big fish are still a challenge, but little fish are now a joke.

The fishing gear is expensive though. So not recommended for early game players.
Not a fan of the combat either. Would have much preferred the menu turn-based system FF is known for.

I like the game but I'm kind of separating it from what I'm used to a FF game being all about in order to enjoy it. Things like the songs from past games being on the radio, whilst cool, seem like a desperate attempt to remind the player this is a FF game. I have to be honest, getting an overwhelming urge to go and play one of FF7, 8, 9 or 10.

Getting MGS vibes from the game. They've strayed from a formula I loved that made past games in the series great and I'm not sure I like it. I also detest the open world, travel to point A, pick up quest, travel to point B, complete quest, return to point A formula that every single game seems to take these days.
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Not a fan of the combat either. Would have much preferred the menu turn-based system FF is known for.

I like the game but I'm kind of separating it from what I'm used to a FF game being all about in order to enjoy it. Things like the songs from past games being on the radio, whilst cool, seem like a desperate attempt to remind the player this is a FF game. I have to honest, getting an overwhelming urge to go and play one of FF7, 8, 9 or 10.

Getting MGS vibes from the game. They've strayed from a formula I loved that made past games in the series great and I'm not sure I like it. I also detest the open world, travel to point A, pick up quest, travel to point B, complete quest, return to point A formula that every single game seems to take these days.

Certainly is the MSGV of the Final Fantasy Series.
Just fought a big boss battle.

Fought the Leviathan in chapter 9. It started out as a fairly epic battle, but for me it seemed to drag on way too long. And considering your apparently unkillable once you get the special power, there was no sense of danger of urgency.
Just completed the main story:


I'm just going to go to bed, roll into the foetal position and cry. What an ending...
Just starting chapter 13 now. One thing about this game...

Big spoiler for people on early chapters.

For the first 8 chapters the game doesn't feel like a traditional Final Fantasy game. its very open world and relaxed. But as soon as you hit chapter 9 it suddenly becomes very linear. Each time you complete an area you move onto the next, with no way back. I felt we had very little time to enjoy Altissia for example, even though it promised to be a big city to explore with lots of possible side content.

I did like the whole section on the train. But after Ignis was blinded, I missed having access to his cooking ability or being able to camp. All those ingredients farmed for nothing...
I have watched the Anime and the Film and I'm glad I did as I feel it has set the scene well and given me just enough info on the characters for me to know them a little better.
I shall commence on 19th Dec and hopefully the patch is out but I won't wait if it's not.
Just starting chapter 13 now. One thing about this game...

Big spoiler for people on early chapters.

For the first 8 chapters the game doesn't feel like a traditional Final Fantasy game. its very open world and relaxed. But as soon as you hit chapter 9 it suddenly becomes very linear. Each time you complete an area you move onto the next, with no way back. I felt we had very little time to enjoy Altissia for example, even though it promised to be a big city to explore with lots of possible side content.

I did like the whole section on the train. But after Ignis was blinded, I missed having access to his cooking ability or being able to camp. All those ingredients farmed for nothing...

don't worry you go back to the open world after main storyline. Also some post end game stuff to do...
Finished it in 20 hours (was kind of rushing through although not insanely quick, did a few hunts to get gil)

Has almost no story whatsoever...

Still enjoyed it though.
I've just had a frustrating few hours of combat - lots of enemies and random chaos everywhere. All a bit of a cluster **** really. Beam around and neck potions when required, rinse and repeat. It is a shame as everything else is decent. It doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy game either, but nevertheless I like the chilled vibe, the setting and having lots to do. I'll stick with it, but really didn't enjoy it tonight.
So I've hit Level 20 after finishing Chapter 2 - I'm wondering what I should do when it comes to gear.

I've not upgraded any of the starting gear as yet, battles are starting to feel a lot tougher and I'm burning through my stock of potions. Should I look at spending Gil on gear, or just wait for upgrades from Side Quests etc?
I've just had a frustrating few hours of combat - lots of enemies and random chaos everywhere. All a bit of a cluster **** really. Beam around and neck potions when required, rinse and repeat. It is a shame as everything else is decent. It doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy game either, but nevertheless I like the chilled vibe, the setting and having lots to do. I'll stick with it, but really didn't enjoy it tonight.

When faced against lots of enemies I tend to start with a x3 cast AoE then focus on warping into the minions and snipers in the periphery.


Just change to Wait mode??
When faced against lots of enemies I tend to start with a x3 cast AoE then focus on warping into the minions and snipers in the periphery.


Just change to Wait mode??

This is in wait mode. I'm not finding it hard btw, just messy and unsatisfying. Scan enemy, change weapon accordingly, beam about hitting stuff in the side and wait for random stuff to kick in. Call in team moves occasionally. The camera's often getting lost and much of the cool stuff you don't see. And there's no real sense of coordinating as a team and good decisions paying off - just ai running around all over the shop like headless chickens until the battle is over. Dragon's Dogma did it much better. In fact, this game with Dragon's Dogma combat would be amazing. I've gone back to active mode and am finding things a little better due to the extra challenge.

On the plus side - Chocobos and I now have the FF6 mp3 :)
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