Evening Peeps
Phew that was a hair raising few days. As some of you may know I had a bit of a problem with some coolant going pink which is not what you want when your aiming for gigabyte orange.
I posted a note in the Mayhems thread, within an hour my jaw hit the deck when Mick told me he was mixing me some up and fetching it over that night, made it even better that the science behind the coolant is pretty damned interesting I must admit.
It transpires that its not the coolant, Mick had it under the microscope and there was a load of flux in it so a combination of my fault and the rad manafacturers not rinsing out excess flux .... boooo!
Anyways the advice was to run it with water and biocide for a month to be sure everything was out ....... now I don't want you to think I am deliberately ignoring your advice M but I had to do the bicarb rinse n repeat 20 times and could not resisit another go with the orange.
Main reason is I want to be sure its definitely what I want before I go spending moolah on accessories and tarting the case up. I know full well in 3-4 weeks the machine is getting pulled apart for a clean and .. ( sorry its secret for now

Plus a few people had said Tbag "y u spend loadsa pennies and use an average cpu etc" , hmmm well that bugged me no end so promptly wizzed out the original spec from page one and ended up with
I7 3930k
2 x Gigabyte 7990s
... and that friends is where yesterday morning 11.30am I started ....
First up the 7990's

This is where I hit a problem, I had sized up the xspc 7990 backplates and by all accounts they fitted, holes lined up perfectly so on with the washers etc

Problem number 1
The 4 screws around each gpu fitted fine but were maybe half a mm too long, then I made the mistake of messing with extra washers but given that these were made specifically for the xspc waterblocks hardly suprising. £50 down the plug hole but not a total waste ... sprayed one black and using it as a temporary shelf for the res
So off comes the freshly painted xspc backplates ( pretty naff looking to begin with if you ask me ), good old amd stock backplates!! Yeah I know the labels oh noes!!! not fussed if I find something more suitable will re do em when I next strip the loop down.

The case and a few rightings of wrong uns
I re jigged the fan controller into proper zones
1. 2 front af140 quiets and the 1 x rear af140 quiet on zone 1
2. Top quad push/pull sp120s zone 2
3. Bottom quad push pull sp 120s zone 3
Would have liked 3 x 140s at the front but you cant expect to get a quad in there on push /pull and all the bells n whistles
Change out the i7 3820 for a 3930k .... should make all the difference when playing bejewelled 3

Hmmm and out comes the orange 24 pin in favour of black. Had so many bits n pieces of res what with the confusion of the original model, to make a long story short I ditched the res with the extra tubing ...
.... in favour of this cheeky little number from ek an x3

Looks a lot better ... I think
So given that the whole things getting pulled apart in a few weeks and a new psu will be fitted .... I errrr.... skipped a tiny bit of the cable management. The fans etc and associated cables are neat enough its just a wee bit diss-organised down below.
Time to add the gubbins out front and fill her up
I was stood facing the side of the case and begin pouring the coolant in, strange I thought "this res is taking forever to fill up" and then I looked around the other side of the case ...... nice orange swimming pool going on arggghhhhh unplug everything panic panic.
All swabbed out and dried up

So I guess that's phase 2 out of the way and over the next few days will decide on wether to stay with the orange, change the psu in a few weeks and route out the rads for a good clean.
Yeah I like it but not jumping for joy yet, am hoping it grows on me.
Any comments/constructive criticism allways welcome ..... don't expect to land on the Christmas card list mind