Finally i get cracking 900d time !!

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Thats looking great Tea, really nicely done.

Fluid still a bit milky looking IMHO and I was gonna suggest getting orange tubing as well, but hadn't seen it in action so wasn't sure if it would be the "right" orange..




Whoah! thats a lot of TIM! I think I used 1/50th of that on my 3930K
Thank you Mr B agreed looking back on it I did go a bit to far with the tim. That's probably why my temps are not that good, time to dive back in and put that right :o:)

Will go for the grain of rice approach think I got carried away applying tim to the gpus in the same pattern, having said that the temp on those are great 43 degrees under 100% load ..... nurse! Scalpel adjustables and forceps please :D
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I've set up my WC coop finally for my build (still some problems unfortunately, but getting there) It sits idle at 25 degrees on both the CPU and GPU with no fans running :P all i hear is the pump which is awesome.

One of the problems is that the PSU fan turns on every so often when it shouldn't (30% load or over) and it does so even at 0.05% load) :( and it's as noisy as hell!
I've set up my WC coop finally for my build (still some problems unfortunately, but getting there) It sits idle at 25 degrees on both the CPU and GPU with no fans running :P all i hear is the pump which is awesome.

One of the problems is that the PSU fan turns on every so often when it shouldn't (30% load or over) and it does so even at 0.05% load) :( and it's as noisy as hell!

What brand of psu is it Alasdair so I can stay clear of it, does not sound right to me. Have you come across anyone with the same problem?

7990's now Tony hey. Very nice indeed. What's the performance like?

Hi Chris

Well owing to the heaps of mx4 I put on the cpu it was idling 40's and gpus idling 33-35 degrees under full load cpu would skyrocket to 70's and gpus 45 degrees.

I had to strip some of it this morning re-applied mx4 same result, so out it came again and whacked in an ek block and the results almost made me cry for joy :D

Cpu and gpu's now idle at 35 and 27 (yup 27) under full load cpu is 55 and gpus 33 35 33 36 :D:cool:

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What brand of psu is it Alasdair so I can stay clear of it, does not sound right to me. Have you come across anyone with the same problem?

It's XFX (the Pro 1000w platinum model) so it's a seasonic unit and should be one of the top of the line PSU's. I havent seen anyone with the problem though after some searches. I'll check it out in my old build to see if the issue lies elsewhere as my corsair TX750 fails to work in my new rig for some reason or other...

Will we be seeing these on the bench threads, I would really like to see how these go on the Heaven 4 bench.:)

Your new setup looks very impressive, congrats.
Good effort thus far mate. Have to say that the pics don't do the coolant colour any favours...looks "milky" for want of a better word. Deffo not even close to the mobo orange colour
It's XFX (the Pro 1000w platinum model) so it's a seasonic unit and should be one of the top of the line PSU's. I havent seen anyone with the problem though after some searches. I'll check it out in my old build to see if the issue lies elsewhere as my corsair TX750 fails to work in my new rig for some reason or other...

Don't let it put you off the build, I would be having a right good thrash about with there customer services and don't be too shy to point out that a very public failure would do no one anygood least of all there reputation.

Failing that take a deep breath box the little sod up and buy something else, you shouldn't have to but its a short cure :)


Will we be seeing these on the bench threads, I would really like to see how these go on the Heaven 4 bench.:)

Your new setup looks very impressive, congrats.

Evening Mr K :)

Your just bench mad you are :D yes am just backing stuff up a clean windows install then will be benching. I think I have gotten my head around amd and the catastrophic control centre :D

Nice Setup. Neater than what mine will look like when complete. lol

I was the messiest person going, but doing a build log knowing that what you do you will be showing to everyone really does help put a stick of dynamite up your butt in terms of making an effort where you would not normally care.

Take your time, don't let this motley crew rush you and you will surprise yourself ;)
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Good effort thus far mate. Have to say that the pics don't do the coolant colour any favours...looks "milky" for want of a better word. Deffo not even close to the mobo orange colour

Blunt but true :D

The only reason I stuck the coolant back in was so I could decide for myself if I really was going to keep it going forward into the case customisation. I will be flushing it in a few days and running just water and biocide as per Mayhems advice.

Harsh words are sometimes the kindest :p

Jealous as anything though at your tech toys, would love even half that gear. Are you looking at clear fluid with coloured tubing to get the same colour as the mobo?

Harsh words are sometimes the kindest :p

Jealous as anything though at your tech toys, would love even half that gear. Are you looking at clear fluid with coloured tubing to get the same colour as the mobo?

Indeed they are :)

Don't get jealous its just a toy besides you will go all green n nasty wont do anyone any good, if you want something that bad make it happen ;)

yeah am just letting it settle in sensation is returning to my thumbs n forefingers at last so I will probably just get coloured tubing and run water n biocide until I am absolutely sure these rads are superclean :(
Hi Mick
I was just using the old stuff up to fill it and take some pics etc and a bit of showing it off in its best light but am now draining it and plan on running pure h20 and biocide as you suggested for a month
Thanks again for all your help :)
Thanks to everyone for your words of wisdom and advice, and to Mayhems Mick for the outstanding customer service .... it all done and happily pounding TombRaider and bejewelled 3 closing thread

Thanks all :D

..... :o Next!!!
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