Firmware update for the Samsung 840 EVO drives out tomorrow

If you have had data on your EVO for more than a few weeks, and you run a linear read speed test (HD Tune or AIDA 64), you will almost certainly see that you SSD is not performing as it should.

Having said that, you may still not notice any problem in everyday use.

I'd still carry out the update if I were you. Make sure you backup important data first, just in case anything goes wrong with the update (very unlikely).

ok... I guess it couldn't hurt.
I thought the same issue had been experienced on 840 TLC's as well - I should know, as my standard 840 read performance has dropped through the floor :-(

I have seen what appears to be a drop in performance on a customer's 840 non Evo. It doesn't seem to be as bad a drop as experienced with an EVO, but it certainly looks like it had degraded.

I assumed that Samsung would look into and address this issue (if it is an issue, it does seem to be).

If there's no update forthcoming for the non EVO range, I'll carry out a secure erase/restore and post the before/after benchmarks.
Hi Folks,

If you have an EVO drive you need this update it's really that simple.

Crystal diskmark doesn't show the issue and neither does many other benchmarks.

The reason for this is because when you benchmark these drives using these programs the program copies a NEW file to the drive to carry out the test.

It then reads this new file back. Hey presto you see no problem.

HDTune v5 along with a few other programs don't do this. They read back all the data off the drive. This includes the OLD files. This shows the problem.

The issue as quite clearly stated is with reading OLD files that are not changing.

So that copy of BF4 or yes the windows operating system with files that are older than 30 days exhibit massively slow read performance.

You can see from Abarrass's post all the old files show 50MB's read performance and even push the drives read access time to 5ms for an SSD that should give you 0.1 or 0.01ms access.

So long story short if you have an EVO drive you need this update because there will be files on your SSD that are old and won't get updated this is especially true of an OS file which you are never likely to change unless you reinstall windows. Stands true for all your games. Once they get over 30 days old you'll have problems. Now that might mean your drive loads the game 4 seconds slower. You probably wouldn't have noticed it unless you sat with a stop watch and to that I say fair enough but honestly? Why wouldn't you run a simple update to get that 4 seconds back?

It's not going to kill your drive and with this fix the drives are still superb especially with RAPID mode enabled!
got the same problem

here are my speed write for a 3gb file:
as you cant see its only does a quarter of what it should do
i will post the hdtune comparison later

edit: got it bechmarked:

notice that the acess time is 0.1ms which is the faster than abarrass got after the update
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Not sure if I need it or not:


Shows the difference in speeds of a near full drive compared to a near empty drive though :).

Perhaps abarrass shouldn't have posted screenshots using crystal as well as HDTune pro because crystal masks that that there is a problem as I explained in the post above.

I am sure it is there merely to show that running the update doesn't do any harm.

Run HDTune V5 - you can download a free trail.

If you get a nice fairly straight line then your drive doesn't have files on it that are considered older than 30 days and have not changed. Good for you but you will eventually so don't delay - update!!!!!

In it's most simple form if you have an EVO drive you need this update because your drive will develop this problem eventually. It is a bug in it's software.

If you are happy to accept this bug always being in your drive then don't update there is always a choice.

The update is not available just yet to the public but should come out in a day or so and I am pretty sure the update feature in Samsung magician if you have that installed will direct you to download it. If not most of the techie sites like anandtech, pcper, guru3d etc will probably all run a news item on it.

Overclockers - Being the good bunch they are just decided to pre-warn everyone it's coming and to get prepared to update.
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quick question ... my bog standard 840 drive has been showing for ages a firmware update is available ... but it wont let my update . Anyone know why that might be ?
The OP gives me a headache as its awful to read, but looking at the rest of the posts - Samsung have sorted a fix, and its due soon?
Are you sure about "2) OP clearly states use Samsung Magician" ?

I agree with "1)" though.

Hopefully Samsung will be able to add this to the Magician software

Ok i take it back a bit, he hints it will be via Magician, but it doesnt take a genius to figure out that it will be. Every past FW update to the Evo's has been through Magician, it's a good app, they have control over what file is downloaded and applied without it being compromised etc, i'm sure they'll be flooded by requests too.

Personally I think i'll wait for a good number of guinea pigs to try it first :D
I am a little sceptical.
Reading between the lines this sounds like the "fix" is going to do the same as the workaround as you need 10% freespace and upto 4 hours depending on the size of the drive.
Does this mean the "fix" just moves all the data on the drive and will periodically do the same to prevent any data becoming old and access times slowing down ?
If that's the case then will this reduce the lifespan of the drive ?
Where is the update/software going to be released?

Edit: Yeah, probably Magician. But it seemed like it would from some other channel, from OP's post.
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Ok I take it back a bit, he hints it will be via Magician, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it will be.
I don't think so. :)

Samsung’s utility for fixing the 840 EVO is aptly named Samsung 840 EVO Performance Restoration. It’s actually a separate utility from the Samsung Magician software and is specifically designed as a performance fix for the Samsung 840 EVO.


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