First case mods Lian Li V351R & Build Log

It should be enough just aslong as you have enough surface area then you will be ok, i am hating writing on a ipod touch takes forever and keeps dropping connection to wifi and having no games to play well bored lol.
Marine Iguana, what did you use to cut the drive bay? I've got a H50 now and need to put it in my V350.
Didn't even know my thread still existed :o yet alone put in here :p

I used a junior hacksaw and cut down to near the center where there is a long slot makes it easier to fold up the side out the way and might need a file or sand paper cos it ill be sharp :D

Just try and work out where the top of the rad will be and mark it then just cut away it aluminium so easy to cut and fold or just cut it right out, I left mine incase I moved on to full watercooling and needed the support of the bay.
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