First full price PC game you purchased?

Had the shareware copies of doom and doom 2, first proper game I bought was euro fighter 2000, was one of the only games I ever bought that actually needed the old big box as the manual was bloody enormous, at least a couple of hundred pages.
^ Ah yes, back in the Amiga and early PC days a flight sim manual was a joy to behold. Nowadays it's a poorly written PDF if you are lucky.
Thief 2 : The Metal Age, which used to crash lots on Win 98se. Took it back; those were the days when you could return a game. :D
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Rocket Raid on the BBC B Micro. It was essentially the Beebs version of Scramble.
First PC game was Epic Pinball.
Star Wars X Wing towards the end of my first year at Uni in 1993. Luckily it did not distract me from passing my exams!
Staff of Karnath on the C64 for me back in 1984 (had to look the year up!)

I was 10 (:eek:) and had saved my pocket money to buy it from the local video shop that also sold games! (I think it was £9.99 from memory!)
X-Wing here too, damn that was a good first purchase :)

Although if we're not limiting to PC, it was Black Crystal on the ZX81. I rode my dinosaur into town to buy it :D
Casino Empire from PC world, my dad had somewhat of a gaming PC and at weekends I would go over and play on it. Brilliant game!
I think my Dad bought a few games before but the first I remember getting was Age of Empires 1, I wish I had half the level of enjoyment playing games now as I did playing that
Wing commander 3 was the first one on PC. Overall I first spent some pocket money on some Atari 2600 cartridges when I was a kid.
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