First full price PC game you purchased?

Championship Manager 2 1997/98. (soccer management sim)

I read a review of it and was just like wow! I have to play this! I looked at my SEGA Master System sadly and realised the game was afoot!

Cue 2 weeks later and I've convinced my parents I ABSOLUTELY definitely need a 'Pentium Personal Computer' to do my homework and some modules in my GCSE exams.
1 Weekend and £1300 later we had a Pentium 166 and 32MB RAM!

I snuck out on the Monday night, not to drink, smoke or get laid, but to visit the retail park and buy Championship Manager 2. Happy days.

Worth every one of my (parents) pennies.
Mine was Half Life and Opposing Force in a twin pack.

The first one i actually bought myself instead of inheriting/borrowing/being given was actually skyrim that i bought full 40 quid when i built my rig.

500 hours on pc later it seems good value all things considered.

I think the second was minecraft followed by kerbal space program, and now i'm at the stage of being dismayed at all the games in my library unplayed (but at least bought in sales)
The first game I bought was BMX Racers for the Commodore Plus 4
The first PC game I bought was a Star Trek game. Next Generation or something like that.
The first PC games I purchased were together... even before I got my PC. Quake 2 and The Settlers. Just had to sit and look at the CD cases/read the manuals until the PC arrived.
Ultimate Underpants (Underworld) and then me and mate stayed up for 72 hrs playing in turns on a drug and booze bender :)
The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight, I played The Bards Tale on my Commodore 64 and was chuffed when this was released not long after getting my first IBM Compatible :D
For PC it would have been Championship Manager.
I brought my first PC just to play it, a beast of a machine Pentium P1 150mhz, overclocked to 200mhz, 16mb of ram, 1mb S3 viarge GPU, 14" monitor & a CD drive !

Cost me best part of £1700 back in 1994. Before that I'd gone through the usual machines, from ZX81, Spectrum, Atarti ST, Amiga's etc.
My dad took me and my sister to a games shop (might have been Virgin megastore?) when I was about 10 (1990), shortly after buying a 386sx 16MHz. None of us had any idea about what games were good, but - as luck would have it - I chose Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, my sister chose Monkey Island and Dad picked up Loom for my Mum. And so a lifetime of PC gaming was cemented. Pretty good picks in hindsight. :)
I still have a number of my original PC games in boxes on the shelf at home (EOB, Wing Commander, Tie Fighter, etc). I'll grabs some shots later and post. Interestingly enough I paid full price for Tie Fighter when it came out 20+ years ago and it cost £49.99 - prices haven't moved much in that time...
I'd like to believe it the original UFO Enemy Unknown, which was a blind full price purchase from WH Smith, but I don't think it was. There is a real possibility however that it may have been Frontier: Elite 2.

Both were epic and still rank in my top 3.

Ah 1993, crazy/desperate times...
Mine was a two game purchase.

My brother and I got Microprose Gunship and Silent Service for Christmas in 1986 or 87.

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