First Imac purchase

12 May 2005
Ripon, North Yorkshire
Right am hoping to order my imac either today or this weekend and am just wondering if i need to no anything regarding my order (first time mac user :o), any way the money is ready and am just wondering if am better ordering via the apple site or phone to see if i can get some discount out of them :p its worth a try i guess, this is whats on my list


will this setup run the cod games tf2,bf2 coh games at full res :confused: through bootcamp of course
Welcome to the club,

I've had my 24'' iMac for 7 months now and eventually took off windows! cod4 and bf2 are available for mac anyway.

Looks like a good spec but i'd really consider another mouse as apposed to the wireless mighty!
Welcome to the club,

I've had my 24'' iMac for 7 months now and eventually took off windows! cod4 and bf2 are available for mac anyway.

Looks like a good spec but i'd really consider another mouse as apposed to the wireless mighty!

yea i heard that the WMM isnt that good, whats the Logitech MX Revolution like on macs for support
are fat32 and ntfs supported in osx :confused: stupid question i now but i have just thought of it as i have 3 ex hard drives with stuff on and a popcorn hour a110 that has films on :o
yea i heard that the WMM isnt that good, whats the Logitech MX Revolution like on macs for support

My flatmate has one for his Mac, he seems happy with it, Logitech have software for it so you can customise the buttons and so on. Will be much, much better for gaming than a Mighty Mouse too.
hehehe just ordered it


cant wait guys its my fast mac and am like a little kid a christmas just sorting out the applecare as i did ask for it but its not on the order so the guys sorting it i hope, student discount knocked a fair chunk of it as well so cheers Justin oh am at "Leeds Uni" :p

also does any one no what the contract uplift imac is at the bottom ????
Not usually.

They should ask, but they don't seem to bother so may as well take advantage of that. :p

He did ask what i was studying and i just said Graphics hence the need for an imac, the guy just got back to me about the applecare as i thought it would show up as the full price of £136 but its only £38 :confused:
Hope you enjoy it! The wait is part of it! I love the wait, and the constant checking!

It'll come this week! No matter what apple says!

Hope you enjoy it! :D
just ordered a 2tb wd drive and a logitech mx rev as well :D not sure if some one saw it but am just wondering about my other external drives that have my data on them there ntfs and fat32 will the imac see the contents ok or is there a little knack to them
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