First PC Build - Warning, thread will have blunders.

Does no one know if a better option for downloading win10 then? Really don't want to end up leaving a pc on overnight to get the ISO file
35 down ish. Fastest we get in our area currently
Try deleting your temporary internet files/browser history. If you haven't done this for a while then this can sometimes cobble downloads.

Unless, of course, you clear it after every usage because you're buying so many gifts...
Deleted the files as suggested an it's getting there a lot quicker now!
Got home to a quarter of my build being delivered (albeit in the wrong place, thanks DPD...) the buzz is starting!
Yeah, it's my own fault. I chose the delivery date to be friday from the other company. Not sure why. Mental blip haha

On another note. I think I have the Windows Boot drive ready. The setup completed, but midway through a popup came up saying you will need to format this drive to use it. I clicked cancel because surely that would have deleted what had been put in the usb to start with. Was that correct?
fingers crossed it works! Any idea on the best way of finding and transferring save game files? Don't want to lose my Dirt Rally save haha
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