First PC Build - Warning, thread will have blunders.

Stick Windows on the SSD, assuming you are still buying one ? as it will boot up a lot faster. Same goes for games they should load quicker etc.
Thats the plan hopefully, games and windows on an SSD everything else on my 2tb. Don't understand how hard drive partitioning works though so will have to Google that or ask another time on here.

I dont think many that have current ryzen will jump to new chip- that would be Zen2 core.
Intel should be paying attention Ryzen+ and then be worries for Zen 2 design the year after !
So in your opinion, should I wait for the 2700 to come out to buy that? Or go with 1700/1700X?

Also couldn't see anything related to new motherboards, are there new ones coming out or are they generally done by third party manufacturers?

Cheers for the help again, both
current the leaked data does show improvements but all done on X370 boards which dont have the correct bios to run it stable for gaming or overclocking etc etc

so getting x470 board will make the most of the chip- even if you let it auto clock its self , but they will come at a greater cost then say Budget performing B350. B450 boards wont be released for a little while which is a shame

personally,would grab the card and other components that are on sale now- deals change every wednesday so might go off and change parts etc or not .

wait to see the cost and performance of ryzen + on the 19th and if to costly for the gains, get first gen ryzen and b350 board :)
I did worry about the sales that are on at the moment but I'm having to wait until pay day to buy all of these things!
So having the current X370 won't be worth it for having a 1700X/2700 you think? And I'd be better off with the B350?
I did worry about the sales that are on at the moment but I'm having to wait until pay day to buy all of these things!
So having the current X370 won't be worth it for having a 1700X/2700 you think? And I'd be better off with the B350?

i'd personally go with b350 with ryzen 1700 . just to save cash when it'll hit the same speed on x370 more or less . if going new, would pair it with x470 unless you can wait to see how older boards get on with it to again, save cash
Yeah maybe the series 1s will be better as I can then put more money into an SSD too.
Also looking at buying an Ultra wide monitor too so it'd give me the money to do that.
Assuming those specs would allow me to have an ultra wide monitor. I don't understand resolution and Hz :D
Hi again chaps/chapettes
So, from this completely unidentifiable website which clearly isn't a competitor I have found the majority of the items I need, with exception of the ram. The ram will be the one from OCuk which has been mentioned a lot.
Is the SSD in the below image an acceptable one? And the motherboard good enough for the CPU?
(I will be waiting though for the possible sales prices after Ryzen 2)
Ah okay I'll swap the SSD out cheers.
By high end OC, above how much do you think would be silly?
I'm umming and ahing over the X370 or not haha
Should be fine for gaming, hit 3.9ghz with 1600/1700 for gaming . If doing workloads would go with x370

Ryzen for a better job the .Intel, liking at new budget Intel B/H chipsets have better VRM then flagship z370
Ryzen for a better job the .Intel, liking at new budget Intel B/H chipsets have better VRM then flagship z370
I'm sorry I don't quite understand this bit!

Should be fine for gaming, hit 3.9ghz with 1600/1700 for gaming . If doing workloads would go with x370
Yeah it would only be gaming, Photoshop, the normal social media stuff, nothing too strenuous like rendering huge files.
and will work with faster ram - only problem with most of the current leaks, all been done with 3200hz kits and not 3600 or pushing above

Wasn't the ram you suggested to me 3200 anyway?
Don't want to get too far ahead of my budget of £750-800.
I'll have to see what costs I can cut elsewhere!
Mm yeah that's what's putting me off the new generation slightly. Feel like a 1800X is going to be just as good as a 2700 for my gaming/photography needs and can get a cheaper board for it.
Mm yeah that's what's putting me off the new generation slightly. Feel like a 1800X is going to be just as good as a 2700 for my gaming/photography needs and can get a cheaper board for it.

True, long as your happy to get a cooler to go with the 1800x , it's a good buy what what it does !!!
When the B450 boards come out... Should fly off the shelves
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