Flights disrupted at London City Airport after Black Lives Matter protesters storm runway

6 Feb 2008
Would it cause to much damage to the planes if they just take off & land as normal but just run over these idiots?

Anyone seen that episode of Mythbusters where one of them tries to stay in place while they power up a jet engine next to him? ;)
19 Feb 2010
We need some people from the black community to start protesting about how offensive and condescending these white middle-class idiots are. :p
18 Oct 2002
Just as feminists are now making up problems so those who had power under feminist causes can try to retain that power, other protest groups are forming over nonsensical issues to attempt to gain some power to. Black Lives matter has been entirely co-opted in the UK as a supposedly genuine reason to protest here.

In america cops are pretty damn bad, they carry guns as standard and have killed multiple innocent people, many are white but black people are targeted more often for stops and it's often these which escalate into a deadly situation for no apparent reason. American people have a right to be angry at the police, black lives matter are actually hurting themselves by making it a racial issue. An all people of all colours against the police issue would carry more weight and lead to changes in policing dramatically quicker. But again a racial group gives more defined power to more specific people and that is why it ended up as it did. A white guy was murdered by cops sitting on his own stairs in the suburbs because he was holding a garden hose... an obviously deadly weapon, many similar stories, the cops are just bad, there is inherent racism there but the police are bad and the best way to force changes would be a complete movement without it being black people vs the police, which turned instantly into hating on white people and screaming at white journalists and many white people who supported the idea of protesting against the police. They did nothing but dramatically weaken their ability to get the police to change by making it a black cause.

Here there was a backlash over their attempts to use the same protests America does, because our police force are simply not comparable, they got no popular support from anyone because it was entirely stupid. So what do they do, give up, they can't gain power protesting against the police so now they are going to try a new cause every couple months till they find one people might support them over.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Where's the poster who thinks black people are oppressed/repressed?

Should face a maximum penalty. To make an example of them. BLM=racist terror group.
20 Oct 2004
We are far too weak with stuff like this, I am all for peaceful protest etc but civil disobedience should be dealt with appropriately. They should either water cannon them out the way or use pepper spray and arrest them.

I'm really against the whole BLM in the context of climate change, its just an excuse to cause problems.
29 Jan 2008
really don't get why the police haven't arrested every one of them instantly.

this... they've 'negotiated' with them... what a pathetic, weak response from the police

it isn't like there are a load of bystanders/sympathisers that might turn violent if the police get heavy handed, it is a runway at an international airport and the police decide to mince around since this is a political protest

there were protestors standing, not chained up - why not take them away immediately - they're on the runway.... if someone had deiced to run around on the tarmac after an 18-30s flight from Ibiza they'd be tackled immediately

they've got fire crews there who can cut up the chains etc... it could have been cleared fairly quickly but instead they do it uber slowly, negotiating with them etc.. and therefore giving time for the press pictures to be taken, the delays to have a bigger impact
13 May 2010
Feel like the easiest way to stop these morons would be to stop giving them air-time / publicity. They're just idiots clinging onto something as their "cause" .
Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
"protest the UK's environmental impact on black people"

:D:D:D:D why don't they just throw them in a van and jail them?

Lefties are a pain.

People at the political extremes usually are 'a pain' and often have poor reasoning and attention seeking behind their loudly discussed views. The sort of people who vote BNP probably have more in common with the dogs on strings 'lefties' than they think.

This seems like a pretty shoddy protest but worrying that they got on the runway like that.
28 Nov 2003
Take them to court, take their benefits off therm and set them to hard work for a pittance planting trees on an estate somewhere. If they are that discombobulated about "climate change" they should be doing such work anyway.... ;)
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