Then die of old age before the council do anything about it....
The councils are usually fairly fast to act if it's a legitimate complaint and they can do anything about it.
It's just that they don't drop everything to deal with minor things, and there can be legal steps that are required to be taken. I suspect most people would not be amused to get the council turn and force them to clear their front garden when they're in the middle of say redecorating a bedroom and have put the old stuff on their only available bit of spare ground whilst concentrating on doing the room, or when they're in the process of assembling/laying out the new furniture and plan on taking it to the tip the next day. There is also a thing around here where you can book the council to collect furniture for disposal (something like £50 for 12 items or £25 per Fridge/freezer), IIRC they want it at the edge of your property for collection from 7am on a set day, so usually people will put it out a day before and if the council are running late (or your new stuff arrives before the collection date) it might be there for a couple of days.
It's disappointing how often I see people complaining about something the council hasn't done because the council is "lazy" or "can't be bothered" and it turns out no one had informed the council but had rather been complaining on their facebook pages or whatever. In my experience if someone contacts the council about a legitimate issue, especially if it's potentially serious/dangerous they'll get someone on it fairly fast even if just to assess it. I've had nasty potholes filled within a day of letting the council know*, and a streetlamp with exposed wiring/damaged access panel made safe within hours (noticed it as I was walking the dog at lunch time, there was a crew on it by 5pm - apparently despite them all having a reference number and contact number at about eye level to help people report damage it's rare for people to do so).
The latest a couple of weeks back was a dead deer on a pavement, I reported it (with the best location I could give, as I was driving when I saw it), and got a response about 3 hours later stating they'd raised it as urgent with their enviromental team. Apparently it was gone the next day.
IIRC there is an app for you mobile now that in many regions lets you report any issues to your local council, including photos and I think GPS location of the issue, which means it's increadibly easy to report things as you come across them now.
*Apparently it had been bad for a couple of weeks and people had been complaining about it amongst themselves, but no one had contacted the council (it was about 50x100cm and 10cm deep in a spot you couldn't really avoid it).