Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

Hi rich, please can you add me to the single-machine crunchers.

for info its a p4 with hyperthreading which i hope i have set up right, using your excellent guide of course.

Pumpkinstew said:
The P3 just returned it's WU so can you add me to the list too? :)
lol no probs - news is on a go-slow tonight, so warm in here that one false move.... :o

edit: ahhh although you'd finished a WU it wasn't showing in the stats when the cut-off for the news came - you're in the list but you won't show till next week :( :p
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rich99million said:
lol no probs - news is on a go-slow tonight, so warm in here that one false move....

edit: ahhh although you'd finished a WU it wasn't showing in the stats when the cut-off for the news came - you're in the list but you won't show till next week

Arse cheeks! :mad:

I'm going back to Boinc and taking all 800Mhz of steam driven, beige boxed brute crunching power with me. :p

Incidentally just saw this on the Stanford website:
People know about Trp since it's what makes you sleepy when you eat lots of Turkey.

Not a cycle wasted ;)
Dual Processor

Does having a Dual processor in my computer disqualify me from the single machine list?


EDIT: Ignore this post from an idiot....I wasn't even folding at the time I asked this :o
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ms9cw said:
Are there loads of teams within this forum?

Depends what you mean... do you mean different projects? If so, yes there are many, but Folding seems to be the one on the ascendancy (used to be SETI.)

If you mean within the Folding crew... we're pretty much a united front :D

ms9cw said:
Questions are a burden for others.

I think half of us here positively enjoy them... it means new people are being addicted!
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