Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

Right then ms9cw & Madex001 to be added - just wondering if you both realise it's for folding@home rather than seti :confused:
Mandy long time no see - no activity on your folding account that I can see but if you are back and folding then I'm happy to add you of course :)

I also have to add Concorde and remove Mikebert4 for next week's news

Just posting here so I don't forget in the mean time :p
My new HTPC just returned its first WU. Not sure if I'm going to leave it folding, depends if it interferes with doing HTPC things :D
So for now its got its own name - Pingu!
Would be much appreciated if it could be added to the single crunchers.
Hi Rich,

you may as well add me to the single machine crunchers again. I've had to stop all DC activities on my lappy and the machine at home isn't on enough for it to be useful so I've removed F@H fomr there as well. my local 'server' will continue to crunch 2 cores 24/7 untill it gets removed from under my desk :D

Not been able to return a work unit as i now have no net connection in my new house as of yet.

Hopefully will be able to get a work unit returned soon.

Slack Mandy.
Ok all the above added/removed or what-have-you, just double-check when this week's news is posted later tonight and let me know if you're the wrong colour or anything :)
Hi Rich, I'd be obliged, if you can add me to the single crunchers list with my Athlon 3500XP.

Ok, so I might one day assimilate the office PCs, but that probably needs to wait until the summer heatwaves are over and done with. Even with aircon room temps aren't getting below 25 deg C :eek:
Welcome MGP & ALD

MGP - you could alway borg the office pc's at 50% if temp is an issue

btw I've got my office pc's all at 100% 22/7 with no air con just open windows - hit 37 degree's last week and the boss got us all ice cream :D
Since at the moment the server seems to crash avery 24 hours or so, some stupid M$ issues no doubt, I think I'd better get to grips with that before I start worrying about assimilation. Still would be nice to know what a pair of dual cored Xeon CPUs could get through.
sorry to give you the runaround, rich, but i've popped back to a single machine until we can set up a decent arrangement of PC's (which could take months) :(

Feeling left out, not being on the single-machine list :p

Mikebert4's the name, as always

cheers :)
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