Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 21st September 2006

sr4470 said:
I havent had a dualcore for 2 weeks now, might want to update my status Rich ;)

Looks like last night's 600 pointer didnt make it into this week's scores either...
ahh sorry - I thought you'd taken delivery of a few old systems worth of parts the other week :confused:

anyway have changed it to single core now :)
diogenese said:
Great news on the team stompage:)

Watch out Rich, X2 power has me catching up on your production, a bit of OCing should keep me a spot in the top 20 producers even if I can't hold onto it in the rankings :o

edit, 11 ppd behind you :D
ahhh the X2 power is certainly nice, mine's at 2.4 currently and seems quite happy with that so far - I'll probably try for more over the weekend but it's not really an overclocking board (Asrock Dual SATA) so it's probably near the limit

I'll just have to see what I can squeeze out of my other rigs :o
rich99million said:
eh? you lost me now :o
Ah, now I see the trickination you used to slip F T W past the censor. I usually use the Greek "tau" character to slide by it. Like so: Tau FΤW!

Being silly, I thought you did the same. However, you did not. You simply perscribed a size-in-a-size for the typeface.
[size= 4]F[size= 4]T[/size]W[/size]
That yields "FTW"

I dig it. :)
BillytheImpaler said:
Ah, now I see the trickination you used to slip F T W past the censor. I usually use the Greek "tau" character to slide by it. Like so: Tau FΤW!

Being silly, I thought you did the same. However, you did not. You simply perscribed a size-in-a-size for the typeface.
[size= 4]F[size= 4]T[/size]W[/size]
That yields "FTW"

I dig it. :)
ahh righty - with you again now :D

I had a little help with that one I must admit as the way I used to use has been rumbled :p


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Tanks for the news Rich.
The team is really flying now and getting more and more new members coming along with high outputs. :)
Its a hard thing to shake off, this folding bug, think youd better warn them before it gets in thier blood.
Well done Team 10 and a big welcome to all the newbys.
Oh and well done froggy, nice stomp mate.
lay-z-boy said:
31.92Ghz folding powa
Just curious, how are you getting that number?
Are you using pr ratings for amds, and working out equivalent ratings for things like core2s or pms?

I'm just thinking there isn't really a way of measuring cpu performance anymore except things like flops which no-one uses, so i might write a guide to show how to get an equivalent ghz number for any cpu, as its particularly useful when folding.

Taking my opty 175 for instance, thats two 2.2ghz k8 cores with 1mb cache each. Using TRs handy decoder ring that means i've got two 3700+ cores, so thats 7.4ghz folding power. Is that how you worked yours out?
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Joe42 said:
Just curious, how are you getting that number?
Are you using pr ratings for amds, and working out equivalent ratings for things like core2s or pms?

I'm just thinking there isn't really a way of measuring cpu performance anymore except things like flops which no-one uses, so i might write a guide to show how to get an equivalent ghz number for any cpu, as its particularly useful when folding.

Taking my opty 175 for instance, thats two 2.2ghz k8 cores with 1mb cache each. Using TRs handy decoder ring that means i've got two 3700+ cores, so thats 7.4ghz folding power. Is that how you worked yours out?

no, i just add up all my rigs in ghz, some are very short use but they still count.


Im near your output with a single machine! :eek:

Sell em all and get conroe tbh, and save some money on leccy bills ;)

if they worked flat out i would doubt it very much.
also your a beta person or whatever arnt you?
anyways, im banned from buying computer parts, even if i sell the current ones, more to the point, who would want a x2 or a pd930 anyways?
lay-z-boy said:
no, i just add up all my rigs in ghz, some are very short use but they still count.
Ok well if no-one objects, i shall have a go at making a little guide to calculating equivalent ghz power, and i'll tack it onto the end of the quick guide post in the sticky.

The difference between a core2 at 2ghz and a p4 at 2ghz is immense, so hopefully this will enable people to get a better equivalent ghz number for their folding pcs.

Can anyone tell me what the collective name for p3/pm/core/core2 is?
Like p4 etc is netburst and athlon 64 etc is K8. I know there is one but i can't rememebr it.
Joe42 said:
Ok well if no-one objects, i shall have a go at making a little guide to calculating equivalent ghz power, and i'll tack it onto the end of the quick guide post in the sticky.
Have at it. It's unlocked for a reason.
Joe42 said:
Can anyone tell me what the collective name for p3/pm/core/core2 is?
Like p4 etc is netburst and athlon 64 etc is K8.
I don't think there is one other than saying it is descended from the Intel P6 architecture of the P Pro.
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oh please,
p3/pm/core/core2 is?

When people say that, i dont know why but it irritates me.

conroe, yonah, dothan and banis are nothing to do with p3

there were two routes to take after the p3, long pipes and high clock frequencies (netbust) and short pipelines medium-low clock speed. (mobile stuff)

When people start going on about p3/conroe etc. it gets me, because in the same way you could say that the netbust is a p3 but a different aim on the horizon.

sorry, i have to do it or i explode.

I guess I'll take them. Mailing address in trust. ;) :p

:(:( I wish it was that simple.
BillytheImpaler said:
I don't think there is one other than saying it is descended from the Intel P6 architecture of the P Pro.
I know there is one, i heard it mentioned on other forums and on wikipedia before core2 launch and before it was referred to as conroe.
Then people say that, i dont know why but it irritates me.

conroe, yonah, dothan and banis are nothing to do with p3

there were two routes to take after the p3, long pipes and high clock frequencies (netbust) and short pipelines medium-low clock speed. (mobile stuff)

When people start going on about p3/conroe etc. it gets me, because in the same way you could say that the netbust is a p3 but a different aim on the horizon.

sorry, i have to do it or i explode.
Sorry, please don't explode that would be rather messy and i'm not cleaning it up. ;)
The only reason i think the p3 is associated with the mobile stuff route is thats what it was most like, whereas netburst was a completely different direction to what had come before.

What i've read is, a marketing descision was made to develop the p3 architecture into a one more suited to mobile applications as all desktop users wanted was ghz, and that could be done with a new architecture.
So the p3 became the p3m , which then became the pm, which then got passed back to the main developement team for core 2 and the mobile core.
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rich99million said:
If you have to explode at least point your head away from your crunchers as brain and skull fragments are really tricky to get out of heatsinks :o :D

in order for payment of a bad joke you must now give me your conroe :p
lay-z-boy said:
in order for payment of a bad joke you must now give me your conroe :p
certainly - I'll send it straight over :D

of course if I actually had one it would be a different matter :p
All AMD here so far - though those Conroe's do look mighty tempting :o
Great news on the team stomp, with a few more looming on the not too distant horizon!

I've done well to resist the lure of Conroe so far but with all the constant talk I think I am finally starting to sway...

Thanks as always for the news Rich. To Gruntville and beyond! :cool:
Right, just added 7 dual Xeon 3Ghz crunchers to the fold - running 4 processes on each due to HT.

Quick question though, Benchmarking these, the max ppd I get per core on 1495 is around 115, the lowest being 89ppd. This seem right? either 1Gb or 2Gb of mem in each box.
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