Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 28th April 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 28th April 2006

Current Team Position: 52nd
Current Team Score: 14,077,697
Crunched This Week: 255,114
Change from Last Week: +4,083

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

46 Linux - 64 days
47 Team 2ch - 31 days (-8)
48 AOA Forums - 23 days (-6)
50 Hewlett Packard - 19 days (-10)
51 Free-DC - 11 days (-6)

Teams stomped this week

53 Team MacNN

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

64 TSC! Russia - 64 days (-6)
57 - 215 days (-22)

This Week's Top Dumpers

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 30,122
sculptor(OcUK) - 26,018
Ricko - 15,435
DarkendViper - 15,404
hornytoe - 7,954
Bigstan - 7,022
_Berserker_ - 6,614
BigDom - 6,105
polandro - 5,737
Walter_Anderson - 5,601
DreederOcUK - 5,011
vent - 4,881
Prescott28 - 4,727
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 4,365
froggy - 4,267
kinnison - 3,924
Ken - 3,912
aXeR - 3,908
lightning512 - 3,839
dr.who - 3,783
piggott - 3,716
MajorPart - 3,676
duggyruss - 3,452
BlackAndWhite - 3,432
Huddy - 3,211
aceface57 - 3,147
A_N_Other - 2,812
ShaunBrewer - 2,517
sr4470 - 2,266
MrWhippy - 2,147
OcUKWildweasel - 2,134
Hominid - 2,042
rich99million - 1,752
Concorde_Rules - 1,745
Mattus - 1,681
cheets64 - 1,680
RobOC - 1,660
Dunc - 1,638
beatvar - 1,595
GT3 - 1,562
Sammael(OcUK) - 1,371
AcidHell2 - 1,358
Elston - 1,350
penfold - 1,331
lee87 - 1,315
pmbuzz - 1,313
Joe42 - 1,302
the_running_man21 - 1,292
TheTross - 1,269
nicholas_yiu - 1,253
casale - 1,218
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 1,094

Single Machine Crunchers League

1 . MrWhippy - 2,147
2 . Concorde_Rules - 1,745
3 . RobOC - 1,660
4 . Dunc - 1,638
5 . pmbuzz - 1,313
6 . TheTross - 1,269
7 . Rincin - 922
8 . Zirax - 856
9 . Bennah - 819
10 . nellystew - 590
11 . Corran - 456
12 . slamma06 - 449
12 . TinkerBell - 449
14 . divine_madness - 365
15 . Euphoriabuzz - 193
16 . OcUKIsotope - 139
17 . Napalm - 112
18 . killer_uk - 0

This Week's Top Stompers

Elston - 302
Appleby - 263
2bullish - 95
DooMSireN - 70
uber_m0j0 - 70
RobOC - 56
Bunjiquo - 55
Euphoriabuzz - 40
penfold - 33
slamma06 - 30
Bennah - 29
OcUKIsotope - 20
GT3 - 15
MrWhippy - 15
lightning512 - 13
BeaumonT - 11
piggott - 11
BigDom - 10
leezer3 - 9
nellystew - 9
Twem - 9
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 8
lee87 - 8
Combat_Squirrel - 6
Neil - 6
OcUKWildweasel - 6
Zirax - 6
FatRakoon - 5
Andy_113 - 4
Corran - 4
DreederOcUK - 4
Huddy - 4
Joe42 - 4
Mandex001 - 4
wdhudson - 4
A_N_Other - 3
BlackAqua - 3
cheets64 - 3
LordShadow - 3
MajorPart - 3
Pilgrim57 - 3
Ricko - 3
Tumbler^ - 3
aceface57 - 2
blitz2163 - 2
divine_madness - 2
Dunky - 2
oceaness - 2
sagaboy2 - 2
sr4470 - 2
the_running_man21 - 2
TheTross - 2
vent - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

sculptor(OcUK) - 875,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 800,000
hornytoe - 375,000
Walter_Anderson - 250,000
Bigstan - 200,000
Mattus - 100,000
casale - 100,000
Ricko - 60,000
MajorPart - 50,000
Dean_Vile - 50,000
DreederOcUK - 40,000
BlackAndWhite - 40,000
Hominid - 40,000
BigDom - 30,000
Huddy - 30,000
A_N_Other - 30,000
piggott - 25,000
aceface57 - 25,000
lightning512 - 15,000
OcUKWildweasel - 15,000
MrWhippy - 7,500
Andy_113 - 7,500
GT3 - 5,000
Pedrinho - 5,000
RobOC - 2,500
penfold - 2,500
Neil - 2,500
Tumbler^ - 2,500
Elston - 1,000
slamma06 - 1,000
Twem - 1,000

This Week's New Members


Welcome to the team!!!

If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

The output increase seems to finally be tailing off a little - just give me a chance to get this dodgy bios updated and chez99million will be rocking to a new X2 beat!
Excellent work again this week everyone - If we can keep this up for the next few weeks we'll be stomping one team per news post.
Special congrats to MrWhippy for sticking it to Concorde this week, think you caught the old fella knapping :D
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 17:35 April 21st and 17:27 April 28th

Previous Weeks' News:
April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th

Single Machine Crunchers:
Bennah, Concorde_Rules, Corran, divine_madness, Dunc, Euphoriabuzz, killer_uk, MrWhippy, Napalm, nellystew, OcUKIsotope, pmbuzz, Rincin, RobOC, slamma06, TheTross, TinkerBell, Zirax ...
Oh and looks like we got mail....


BigDom said:
I'm guessing the top two single machines are dual core X2 or Intel's.
Yup just checked the singles thread and they are both X2's of some description

Conc's is an X2 3800 (crippled Toledo) which is overclocked like billy-o :eek:
not sure what Mr Whippy has but he did say it's an X2...

congrats on the lovely tiffies Stan - sorry to hear your rigs are playing up again in your absence :o
Well my X2 build sure is proving to be a pain in the rear

I've come to the conclusion that the hard-drive is shot as it's not working properly on the SATA or the SATAII which are run by seperate controllers, I've ended up installing on an old 2.5GB IDE drive that I had sitting in the bottom of my spares box :o

Depending on how crazy I'm feeling I may just have to go for a drive up to Stoke to pick up a spare and a couple of those super-cheap Belkin UPS's if they still have them :D
Bennah said:
Got a 376 pointer now. Project 2111. Taking ages. Few days to get this one done :D
yeah I have a similar one, p2109 for 376 points, only getting about 130ppd on my X2 3800 at stock - will have to get that sorted out :p

my GF's machine had a 364 pointer and it's giving about as many ppd as both cores of the X2 :eek: :p
the p2109 is showing in my benchmark fine

Project : 2109
Core : Gromacs
Frames : 100
Credit : 376

-- List of benchmarks --

X2 Core0 ->
Min. Time / Frame : 42mn 49s - 126.45 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 42mn 49s - 126.45 ppd

Try updating projects in FahMon since p2111 is showing on the projects page at the moment it should show up in FahMon alright then
edit: Yeah i think Billy's made a mistake somewhere as I get a silly number for ppd if I use that formula :confused:
Last edited:
Bennah said:
Will try to get this rig overclocked tomorrow. Watch me go and corrupt the HD's. Will get it in the ear then from the parents :p
you not got locks on the motherboard to keep the other system clocks seperate from the CPU/RAM?

I remember the first and last time i corrupted a HD by overclocking - not fun stuff at all :o
Or a little more friendly looking...

PPD = (Points per WU x 14) / Time per Frame in Mins

yup FahMon seems to have given extra points, like you say it is probably a rounding error somewhere - though being out by 4 is quite some error :o

I got the same as you when I worked it out btw so it has to be something FahMon has done
edit: I'm still using FahMon v1.8.1 so it may be something that has been fixed in the new version - have put off upgrading as I wanted to keep my benchmarks but I will probably put the new one on when I get my rigs sorted out :)
Joe42 said:
Aren't the benchmarks kept in a text file somewhere that you can keep when you upgrade?
I'm pretty sure I read that v2 uses a different way of storing them and the two aren't interchangeable

It's no bother really - I can keep both versions and just run the old one when I want to check an old benchmark. I was only really keeping it for when we were running a benchmark site a long while back which has since been put on a very very slow back burner :p
i think I may have just assumed it wasn't possible due to this in the program revision history...

v2.0.0 (24/09/05)

* FahMon has been entirely rewritten and now works also with Linux. A lot of changes have been done, just check them! (Beware that file formats have changed and are not compatible with previous ones!)
kinnison said:
I think you'll find the extra 4 ppd comes from the fact there's 1,440 minutes in a day, not 1,400 as you've put in your formula :P

hahahaaha - oops

can't believe I didn't notice that either :p

well that's another mystery solved then :D
ahhh now that's more like it....

Project : 991
Core : Double Gromacs
Frames : 100
Credit : 99

-- List of benchmarks --

X2 Core0 ->
Min. Time / Frame : 06mn 27s - 221.02 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 06mn 27s - 221.02 ppd

X2 Core1 ->
Min. Time / Frame : 06mn 25s - 222.17 ppd
Avg. Time / Frame : 06mn 25s - 222.17 ppd
after being stuck with some rubbish Gromacs WUs for the last couple of days I finally got something which the X2 likes :D
Just a shame they are only short WUs :o
not bad PPD though since there are no bonus points on these AFAIK

that's still at stock so can't wait to see what a bit of speeding-uppage will do :)
yeah there are some really terrible Gromacs WUs around at the moment :(

you should think about joining the beta team - my beta rig (currently an overclocked XP1700) has got nothing but DGros for weeks now, it doesn't like them anything like as much as the X2 does but they are still better points than the Gros
diogenese said:
What sort of input is expected from a beta tester?
just reporting any problems you've experienced really with enough detail to give them a fighting chance to try and work out what is wrong

personally I've not had to report anything for a good few months - the last thing was a WU which seemed to have extremely low points for how long it was taking so several people along with me posted details of the machines and what ppd they were getting and the points got increased to bring it in line with similar projects

application is made by posting in this thread which also includes a lot more information about what to expect and what is expected of you - they also ask that you write a short statement of what you can bring to the beta team (basically to weed out the people who don't have the attention to actually read the whole of the thread :p)
sr4470 said:
My point was, it shouldnt be at 60C... :confused:
ouch - does sound a bit on the warm side :o

what chip? - what cooling? - what overclock?

my X2 3800 with stock cooling and stock clock hit 49c today though that was in the loft in a not very good case - hoping that once it's in my main case down here i'll be able to clock it a bit without going too far over 50c
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