Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 28th April 2006


:D :cool:

Think my farm's output has settled now and will stay pretty much constant for the forseable future. But as I said to myself when I started folding; better the tortoise than the hare (used to be more like the hare constantly switching between projects, or not crunching at all).

Thanks as always for the stats Rich, and w00t for the team tiffy :D
BillytheImpaler said:
Aluminum sheet. It's really easy to form with your hands and it doesn't catch fire (under 2500 degrees).
Thanks for the suggestion, i hadn't thought of that. Just one problem, i don't like the idea of having electrically conductive material floating around inside my case... i think thats worse than the fire issue with card.
Meh, the case's made of metal and it does OK. How about a thermoplastic like polycarbonate (a brand like LEXAN)? It is easy to bend with a brake and it won't burn. You can heat it with a heat gun or powerful hair dryer and form it with your hands if you need something a brake cannot do.
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Well my X2 build sure is proving to be a pain in the rear

I've come to the conclusion that the hard-drive is shot as it's not working properly on the SATA or the SATAII which are run by seperate controllers, I've ended up installing on an old 2.5GB IDE drive that I had sitting in the bottom of my spares box :o

Depending on how crazy I'm feeling I may just have to go for a drive up to Stoke to pick up a spare and a couple of those super-cheap Belkin UPS's if they still have them :D
Arrived back from down under on thursday to find 2 of 3 crunchers sitting idle. :eek:
House sitter has no idea whatsoever how to do the job properly! Mind you, he even finds it tricky working the tv/sound system. :D

Now back on full steam and ppd average will improve again.

Well done team and thanks again Rich for the excellent stats.

Fold On

Thanks for the news Rich.
Thanks to everyone running this little program called F@H.
Well done Team 10, 14 million plus and we will soon be in the top ten, well done guys and gals. ;)
A big HI to all the new foldy peeps.

only 263 stomps?

pentium 4 cannet do any more cap'n!

we need more cpu's! :p :D

when ive finnished nliting xp for the 20 millionth time my x2 will work is wonders :D

not forgetting the pentium d at 4.8ghz...oh no.
Great going team! Keep it up!

Im on the list :D Single cruncher. Using the rig in my sig. Cant beat a bit of old skool. She's doing me proud. Would like to know what the guys above me are running...

1 . MrWhippy - 2,147 - X2 @ 2000MHz
2 . Concorde_Rules - 1,745 - X2 @ ????MHz
3 . RobOC - 1,660 - P4 2.6 Northy @ 3200MHz HT
4 . Dunc - 1,638
5 . pmbuzz - 1,313
6 . TheTross - 1,269
7 . Rincin - 922
8 . Zirax - 856
9 . Bennah - 819 - P4 2.2a Northy @ 2200MHz

Thanks, as always for the News update Rich :)
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Bennah said:
Would like to know what the guys above me are running...

Hey Bennah, good going!

Mines a P4 northwood 2.6, running at about 3.2 with HT. The top two are both X2's as detailed above. I'd also be interested in the specs of the other chaps.

ed: sorry just noticed you've already got the X2's listed!
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Sure is...

Updated my post with mine and your specs. We will see if we can get the specs of the other guys.

Onto being 8th in the single cruchers list by next friday :D
This is really frustrating.

All of my working cores have 364 pointers.
Had all my rigs been working properly, I could have had a potential PPD of over 3000 with all these 364s floating around :( :mad:

Is everyone else getting a lot of these (P1475)?

Stan :)
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Ive just completed one on friday. Got another one. Project 1475. My last one as worth 364 points. This one looks the same even though FahMon isnt displaying the credit value.

I hope it does with the next WU. I like when it shows you how many points your going to get for the WU. You can work out where your gonig to be etc.
I've also got a 1475 and its not displaying any info despite downloading new projects.
To download new projects click the fahmon tab.
Same prob got a whole load of em on several boxes FahMon has no data for it as of yet. You can set FahMon to auto update it's library when needed in the preferences, FahMon -> Preferences.

Seem to be quite quick WU's :)
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