Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 8th June 2006

It appears to be rich99million's birthday, so many happy returns Rich and may the folding and indeed the weekly team news continue! :p

In true folding style i think we should donate him some wu's while he's away... ;)
Everyone fold for him until he gets back!
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I think it would be a nice supprise for him to check his stats and find everyone folding for him.
I'll give him a couple of units if everyone else will, to thank him for the many weekly news posts he has done for us.
I'd have no problem with chucking a few WUs his way, but only if he says it's OK first. Surprises are all well and good, but there can be both good and nasty surprises. I certainly wouldn't want anyone crunching for me without asking first.
lol only just seen this - thanks if anybody has given me some birthday WUs, it'll have helped with having to turn some machines *** while we were away with nobody to keep an eye on the house :o

I don't think I deserve any birthday WUs for that very reason though, it was nice to come back to a relatively cool house but it won't stay that way for long!!! :D

edit: A much better birthday pressie would be to catch up with Team Linux before TSC! Russia catches us - I shall be popping out to purchase more desk fans and then getting the Girlfriend's son's computer sorted out. Currently an XP2100 that was starting to throw EUEs all the time (hence has had folding killed off remotely by stanford) and will soon be a Barton 2500+ :cool:

edit2: I know that AC would be much better than fans but after how much money has been spent in the last month and this weekend that's just waaaay outta our budget - maybe next month though ;)
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Ahh .. that's better.. up into 4th in the top 20 producers this morning so things are heating up nicely. :)

I've noticed that my next stomp is weeks away so it's the first sign all the slackers have been passed..

Still quite an interesting battle going between Myself, Big Dom and Billy with myself at the bottom.

So how are we going to beat these ruskies then guys?

I'm still pointing people in this direction every time i help somebody but thats not going to be enough to stomp linux before we get stomped...

Ive had to resort to turning most of my machines not on during the day. My office actually reached 49c over the weekend and theres no way i can work in that heat.
I don't blame you. Its supposed to be getting cooler tomorrow thankfully.

How about some GD pimpage? 'help ocuk beat the russians'.... bound to attract some interest.
you can give it a go, but its been done so much that they generally just ignor pimping threads. Trouble is that its not interesting enough fo the people over there to be interested in.
I think a lot of people aren't aware of the competative side of it and might be more inclined to join if they were.
Just trying to think of a good theme, a 'please fold for us' thread isn't going to get much of a response as you say.
I've had to switch to one core due to heat issues, 61C and my system was almost freezing...looks like I'll have to abandon the P4 project due to RL issues...
sr4470 said:
I've had to switch to one core due to heat issues, 61C and my system was almost freezing...
lol I kept reading that wondering how your machine could be freezing and that hot at the same time :p
curse me and my brain which takes everything literally :rolleyes: :D

mine at stock has reached 51C but no higher so far - hopefully that's the hottest it'll be getting
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