Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 8th June 2006

I've just finished writing a thread to go into the gd to try and get some more people folding to hold off the russians. Any objections?
And would you all be able to pop along and lend your support to those wishing to fold and fend off any unsavoury comments...
BillytheImpaler said:
I must say, however, that upon pimp threads much scorn is placed.
Is it worth it for the cause?
Its a gd thread, theres bound to be scorn, but there has been worse spam than this.
I think i'll do it. Nothing to loose, much to gain, providing no-one else has any objections...
Berserker had a very nice pimping thread that he used a while ago - might be worth running it past him before going into GD as they never go down to well over there but coming from a Don might be received a bit better :confused:
Nice sig ;)
Got an idea for the next gd thread already :p

If we only get a couple more people on the team i'll be happy, but so far i would say it seems to be working.
Lets try and keep it at the top of the gd for a few days so everyone has time to have a look, perhaps we can have some of the discussion we would normally have in here in there instead.

Thanks for your support everyone, fold on!
this week's news should be quite a busy one :D

i had considered leaving it till Friday to give the new folk a chance at getting a few days production under their belt - think I'll stick to Thursday though as that was the plan (I'll possibly be away again the weekend after next so otherwise it would be moved again then anyway :o)
Looks like i'll hold Joe off until Thursday... but he'll have me by the time the folding stats are out on Friday :(

I gotta start borging my friends pc's
Plasmoid said:
Looks like i'll hold Joe off until Thursday... but he'll have me by the time the folding stats are out on Friday :(

I gotta start borging my friends pc's
Aha! During the summer the news will be out on Thrusday so Rich can go out, party, and get crunk wif his peeps on Fridays. You will be on top this week. ;)
Plasmoid said:
Looks like i'll hold Joe off until Thursday... but he'll have me by the time the folding stats are out on Friday :(

I gotta start borging my friends pc's
You've been holding me off very nicely. Still haven't managed to stomp you!
Ha Ha :D

Hmm I have a PC that wont boot without a keyboard plugged in and I can't seem to find the option to tell it to boot no matter what in the BIOS :(
There will be a option to tell it not to pause on all errors or not to pause on keyboard errors. In power options or security options.
There is a wire mod you can do (sticking a piece of wire into two of the holes into the PS/2 socket) to fool the PC into thinking there's one plugged in. I'll try and find out for you :)
That could be useful thanks :)

It's such an old board and it's got the latest/last version of firmware available.

It's only a temporary situation as the board currently has a Athlon XP 1662mhz at 1500mhz cause the board is 100FSB by default and will only clock up to 120 >_<
Google says no to doing it with wire - it can't fool the BIOS :(

However, there are little things you can plug in that can fool the BIOS apparently. I'm sure they are pretty easy to come across, but I don't know what they're called to search for them :confused: does anybody have any ideas?
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