Follow Up On Mass Effect 3 Delay, This Might Be Bad

I want scripted dialogue back I hated in both DA:A ans ME2 the click here for canned line schtick and make dlc characters actually interact properly with the game not the zaed and kasumi canned stories. Also isn't missing xmas is worse for sales than wasting money trying to get coddies to play a game thats part of a trilogy.
Iv played both the mass effect games, and although they where ok, I really dont understand this whole hysteria around them, imo they are not that good.

Id go further (as i always do - so i wont go into detail) and say that the only good thing in the game was the story. Every else was crap for an rpg.
If they turn it into a fps i cant see that it will make it bad, just make it into what its trying so hard to be.
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Hmm, I preferred ME2 to ME1, but I wouldn't really want any more dumbing down from ME2.
Well i loved ME2 but never managed to get to the end of ME1. I found ME2 to be the better of the two games, but I also hope that its not dumbed down any further, ME2 was just about right imo :)
Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 are different games. Just play them and enjoy them. FFS, 3 isn't even out for nearly a year and some people are just looking for any reason to moan:rolleyes:
Stop moaning about non-issues and think happy thoughts:)

(sorry if i seem rude, it's my birthday and i'm a bit p***ed:D)
Pighardia it's only because of what happened with DA2!, if that was an amazing game this thread would've had a totaly different response
Pighardia it's only because of what happened with DA2!, if that was an amazing game this thread would've had a totaly different response

I can totally understand the responses to DA2, i didn't like it either(i think we had some discussions to that effect Neil).
But i did play the game and give it a chance. If you start thinking badly of it now, you are not going to enjoy it. ME1 and 2 are different and great in different ways. ME3 might change some aspects, but that doesn't mean it will necesarily all be for the worse:)
I put 30 hours into my last Mass Effect play through.
I booted up Mass Effect 2 having previously loved it, I felt it was inferior.

EA are a cancer to IP's.

This, to see 'Bioware' churn out titles that get progressively dumbed down is so very sad. I do wish EA would just **** off and leave Bioware to produce games that live up to their name once again, alas it'll probably never happen.

This is the company that made Baldur's Gate, a game that had such rich dialogue and atmosphere, and gameplay that is rocket science in comparison to Dragon age 2 and ME3 soon to follow.
Read the statement on Bit-Tech. Any changes that pander to mass-market tastes, not to mention throwing the vulgar "Shooter" tag in to the mix, means Mass Effect 3 is going the way of DA2.

I'm not surprised by EA. They only care about the bottom line and making games for the lowest common denominator. I do think the Bioware devs should take a good long look at themselves though. Their name is mud at the moment.

ME3 was stone-cold pre-order material. Not now.
Read the statement on Bit-Tech. Any changes that pander to mass-market tastes, not to mention throwing the vulgar "Shooter" tag in to the mix, means Mass Effect 3 is going the way of DA2.

I'm not surprised by EA. They only care about the bottom line and making games for the lowest common denominator. I do think the Bioware devs should take a good long look at themselves though. Their name is mud at the moment.

ME3 was stone-cold pre-order material. Not now.

I dont undestand. What kind of game do you think the me games are if not shooters? All you need to do is change the view point of the player to fp and you have an fps!
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