Chester City Football Club (2004) Ltd
Profit and Loss Account
FL Parachute £215,500.00
Gate Income £170,090.00
Season Tickets £46,212.00
Cup Ties (Net) £7,500.00
Friendlies (Net)
Commercial £107,895.00
LFE Academy Fees (Scholars) £38,610.00
Transfer Fees
Player Loans
Premier League 'Gift' £30,000.00
Conference League Income £15,000.00
(Assumes no TV deal)
Programmes £15,406.00
Car Park Income £3,562.00
TOTAL INCOME £649,775.00
Pay and NI:
Playing Squad / Loans In £597,358.00
YT Scholars £54,080.00
Football Management and Support £119,076.00
Permanent Staff £117,317.00
Football Overheads £101,600.00
YT Scholars' Overheads £23,000.00
Football in the Community
Transfer Fees
Matchday Costs - HOME £60,419.00
Matchday Costs - AWAY £28,613.00
Cost of Sales:
Commercial £36,710.00
Programmes £19,550.00
Bad Debts Provision
Media and Website £1,800.00
General Overheads £135,769.00
Depreciation £14,500.00
Interest Receivable / (Payable)
PROFIT / (LOSS) BEFORE TAX £660,017.00
Other exclusions from above:
Football Creditors to be established
Paul Taylor Litigation - £3,082 offered for 1.9.08 - 6.10.08. Vauxhall looking for payment to xx.1.09
Transfer Fees: Potential income for Jon Walters: 20% of fee less £150k