For the gym rats

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hehehe - you'll get there - you've just got to believe it. If you lived closer to me I'd make sure you would! ;)

Yeah felt REALLY good today. Really happy. :)

dude you would be my ultimate training partner, similar weight height goals and training ethics. Plus i prefer to chase someone stronger than have someone chase me as i get complacent easy. I really do need to find someone to train with, all my m8's are big girls, well small men actually but big girls metaphorically.
thanks fellas.

UEX thats why I wasnt so sure on using them but thats one way of putting it :)

Morba thats how I figured it, I know my grip will improve anyway but I feel I could proberly do the weights I have now if it wasnt for my grip :(

Wardie I do use Alternative grip any who, it just feels natural too.

Where can I get some wrist straps from then ladies :P
thanks fellas.

UEX thats why I wasnt so sure on using them but thats one way of putting it :)

Morba thats how I figured it, I know my grip will improve anyway but I feel I could proberly do the weights I have now if it wasnt for my grip :(

Wardie I do use Alternative grip any who, it just feels natural too.

Where can I get some wrist straps from then ladies :P

i buy mine from jjb, golds gym ones. nothing spectacular but does the job for me :]
i buy mine from jjb, golds gym ones. nothing spectacular but does the job for me :]

I've broken 2 pairs of the golds ones and the 3rd pair are on the way out. Bought the MyProtein branded ones ages back and they're superb - very similar in design to the maximuscle ones. The tape is much thicker, stiffer and much more hard wearing than the golds.

Just calculating rep maxes now ready for starting HST, pretty confident it's going to serve me well like it did last time :)

How's the recovery coming on mate? I can now comfortably touch my toes with a bit of a warm up.
My flexibility is improving and the soreness/pain seems to be getting less frequent, but i'm not there yet.

I've got some pretty serious hip mobility and glute activation problems.

Whenever I squat or deadlift all the strain is basically being took by my lower back, even though I could post a video of my form and you would struggle to find anything wrong with it.

I'll be taking my leg and lower back training easy throughout HST and doing a lot of stretching and rehab work, so leg development is pretty much out of the window for now.

HST just made sense as I can still train the rest of my body three times a week, but my leg/lower back stuff I can play by ear.
I just made an order from MP yesterday as well should have got gloves whilst at it!

After doing deadlifts does anyone else feel an ache in lower back? I aint sure if this is muscle ache which the day after it tends to feel like or poor form :s

I find doing BB Rows very hard after doing deads due to leaning forwards :(
My flexibility is improving and the soreness/pain seems to be getting less frequent, but i'm not there yet.

I've got some pretty serious hip mobility and glute activation problems.

Whenever I squat or deadlift all the strain is basically being took by my lower back, even though I could post a video of my form and you would struggle to find anything wrong with it.

I know exactly what you mean. In my flexibility sessions I've been doing the classic static stretches but I've also had some "acupuncture" pressure points simulated (ooo er!) at the same time. This combined with a fairly robust massage of the lower back has really helped loosen up my hams, glutes and hips/lower back.
I just made an order from MP yesterday as well should have got gloves whilst at it!

After doing deadlifts does anyone else feel an ache in lower back? I aint sure if this is muscle ache which the day after it tends to feel like or poor form :s

I find doing BB Rows very hard after doing deads due to leaning forwards :(

do T bars then, can lean back a little :]
Doing the big compounds at the end of a routine can sometimes be a good thing.
If you can keep form good then you can see just how much you can lift with less energy.
I find that sometimes DLs take the energy out of me completely, leaving other exercises almost pointless. For this reason i do lat pull downs (attempt to do chins) first :]
The way i see it is this:

I deadlift for my back, traps and then legs to an extent, not my grip.
My grip limits the amount i can deadlift (and other back exercises tbh).

I use wrist straps so that the target muscles get worked :]

I agree with that. Fortunately I have very good grip strength and my grip strength outclasses my actual body strength for the moment. For example I do 2 finger pull ups (2 fingers on each hand, and sometimes 2 on one side and 1 on the other) just to build up finger strength.

At the moment my max DL is 205kg and the grip really isn't an issue - however for some pull down and BOR exercises when it's more important to keep a good rythmn I sometimes use straps if it's niggling my mind as to the quality of the exercise.

dude you would be my ultimate training partner, similar weight height goals and training ethics. Plus i prefer to chase someone stronger than have someone chase me as i get complacent easy. I really do need to find someone to train with, all my m8's are big girls, well small men actually but big girls metaphorically.

Where do you live anyway? We could always make a training weekend of it! ;)
Well I goto a JJB gym which is right above (I walk past the entrance) the shop, so ill pop in and get some from there for now and will give them ago.

Is it normal to have an aching back after the DLs though? Its not really painful it just feels like a muscle ache around my erector spinae.
Can anyone recommend some good post workout streches?

To be honest I have never done anything except the standard streches that you learn as a kid :o...
Anyone take/tried ZMA? Is it much cop? I bought some as it was quite cheap but it says not to take with any milk/dairy. And its best to take it around 30-60mins before bed which is usually my pre bed shake time :(
damn it! I norm have a pre bed shake. Reading on MP forums if you take zma 30mins before your shake then goto bed its alright?

Ive heard some strange things with people and dreams as well, but trust me I think I have had some messed up ones to be able to cope with this :D
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