For the gym rats

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Ok cheers! I'll try those out and see how I go. Hamstring curls I can handle I reckon. I used to do them before my knee trouble...the leg press too. It's not actually that bad but I was advised not to push it too much. I suppose I could be a little over-weary of it.
Cheers Freefaller, it means I must be on the right track really! I would say I get what I need too most days.

Anyone else find they are very critical of themselves? Im never happy with how im looking no matter what.

I think the trouble is I trained on/off for so long I never really got THAT stuck in. But I am determined to do it now so fingers crossed im happy with results in a few months.
You only really need about 1-1.2g of protein per lb of lean mass... so it won't be 170lbs. If you're at 10% BF it will be 170-17= 153lbs, therefore @ 1g per lb you'll need 153...

Some people say 2g of protein per lb, but unless you're training like a mofo and a huge proper bodybuilder I don't think there's a need, and that's a fairly hard number to achieve unless it's your life IMO. I get by fine with 1g per lb, and I'm over 15st and low BF - and rather solid looking :cool:

I don't count calories, I just know what foods to eat, I don't eat a lot of bread, I don't drink fizzy drinks, or alcohol (beer in particular), sweets or chocolate, or fast food or greasy/fatty foods. I grill my meat, steam my veggies and eat a well balanced diet. I do probably eat slightly over the average kCals per day of a man, but it hasn't stopped me putting on over a stone in 16 months whilst keeping my bodyfat low. :)

I agree with all of that. Protein requirements tend to get way exagerated. I never count calories either. I know what to eat and when to eat by instict these days.

I've made some very good gains in size and strength in the last couple of months, looking really solid right now. Been using less volume too! Another couple of weeks i'll be going on a cut though, can't say i'm looking forward to that.
Cheers Freefaller, it means I must be on the right track really! I would say I get what I need too most days.

Anyone else find they are very critical of themselves? Im never happy with how im looking no matter what.

I think the trouble is I trained on/off for so long I never really got THAT stuck in. But I am determined to do it now so fingers crossed im happy with results in a few months.

I'm very critical of me. I get a lot of support from you guys in the post your pics thread saying how good I look and it helps a lot... I don't see it myself you see. However, when I go to the gym and rep out with stupid 3 figure numbers I think to myself I must be making progress as I wouldn't be able to do it if I wasn't strong!

I do look quite big and relatively ripped... but it doesn't stop me going - meh I could be better. But that's what drives us to keep going and always bettering yourself.

Over the serious time I've been doing bodybuilding I've really made huge progress and I accept that, but I still feel I can do more - but it's getting to the stage now where I'm getting to the edge and peak of what I can achieve naturally. I could probably put on another 10lbs of lean mass but it's going to take longer than my initial gains. However as long as I get stronger and can see the results I'll cope with that. Then I can concentrate on defining a bit more.

Unless you're excessively serious about it you don't need to count calories that much, just be wary of what you eat and have a rough idea of the ratio of protein vs carbs and the amount of good fats vs bad fats you take in. It becomes habitual after a while. :)

I agree with all of that. Protein requirements tend to get way exagerated. I never count calories either. I know what to eat and when to eat by instict these days.

I've made some very good gains in size and strength in the last couple of months, looking really solid right now. Been using less volume too! Another couple of weeks i'll be going on a cut though, can't say i'm looking forward to that.

I've never seen a pic of you but going from your comments on my physique and development I think we're at a similar level - I'm very similar to you in my mindset to training I think.

Standing solidly at near to 100kg I'm feeling pretty happy about myself now considering my bf is rather low for my size - and Chong and the others agreed that my physique is pretty spot on, maybe cut a little more, push out the traps a bit but then I'm nearly there. I just want to increase my calves a bit but I'm struggling with that a lot... Legs are fine though - the tree trunks are back! :D
I've never seen a pic of you but going from your comments on my physique and development I think we're at a similar level - I'm very similar to you in my mindset to training I think.

My pics are buried in the big thread, i'm not a flex and pose type guy though! i'd feel silly doing that..

Going by your posts, i'd say we are similar in mindset towards training. For example, I don't think you've allowed yourself to be brainwashed by the supplement hype. You've also earned a great physique in a relatively short span of time, that to me proves you are a man of action rather than words :)
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Well ive just finished doing my leg day after a week off lifting due to picking up some evil flu/cold combo while flying the other week, and its the first time ive had to completely bail out of a squat, i just had to let it roll off my back, it was very nearly an "oh ****" moment. I guess being ill took more out of me than i realised, its really ****** me off to be honest, it feels like ive taken two steps back through no fault of my own. Anyway, seeing as i lift at home i guess its good i experienced that feeling sooner rather than later so i know what to do in future.

(well thats not completely true i guess, i could stop raping my immune system by smoking all the time)
Just in from the gym and I think ive just had my first case of gym rage two little bicep boys stood infront of the dumbell rack and in the way of the bench curling non stop for the best part of 20mins along with some rather weird and cack handed sort of dumbell shoulder press which must have been painful, I was having a good session jumped off the bench after benching ready to do my BOR's and those two are just stood there without a care in the world watching themselves curl in the mirrored glass, its not big it doesnt impress me and my word the fact one was using 5kg dumbells made me want to cry and putting a nice little stop on my smooth flowing workout.
argh, I feel better now ive vented and eaten my mackerel :D
Well ive just finished doing my leg day after a week off lifting due to picking up some evil flu/cold combo while flying the other week, and its the first time ive had to completely bail out of a squat, i just had to let it roll off my back, it was very nearly an "oh ****" moment. I guess being ill took more out of me than i realised, its really ****** me off to be honest, it feels like ive taken two steps back through no fault of my own. Anyway, seeing as i lift at home i guess its good i experienced that feeling sooner rather than later so i know what to do in future.

(well thats not completely true i guess, i could stop raping my immune system by smoking all the time)

Hello ladyboy. If you were a man you would have had a spotter to help you get the last rep.
Well i work out at home so thats not really possible, all of my friends are either skinny-fat or just fat and both my neighbours are girls :D

I'll just have to make sure i get the bar back up next time.

(It was also pretty awesome to be doing squatz outside in the driving rain, made me feel like He-man or some ****.)
It does not matter foo'. I've had girls who weigh 90lbs spot me on 400lb lifts.

They're not there to lift the whole weight for you, they will only take about 25lbs off.

Besides, if your neighbors are hot how can you complain about them cosying up to you, hell I'd start to struggle on every rep :D
You make a good point, and i know for a fact sometimes i could be lifting more but i hold back because i know if someone goes wrong im screwed. I might look into getting someone to spot me on some exercises.
Are we happy with this thread? Or do people want me to archive this one and start a new one for all bodybuilding related questions.

We do have Gordy's introduction to BB thread already, however this would be a thread for discussion about actual exercises, gym questions and techniques etc...

I don't want to stop independent routine questions as they can get a little lost in big threads, but it would be nice to have a general "chat" thread specifically for us gym rats.

Please let me know.
You could simply rename this one to "Gym rat chat" or something like that, sounds catchy :P

Edit: actually it would be better to have two threads with the titles OCUK BodyBuilders: [Chat] and then OCUK BodyBuilders: [Pictures], that should make it easier for new people to figure out where to post.
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I'm the Hulk!!!

Well not really...

However 2 of our vans at work had run out of fuel and were not moveable, we had no spare vehicles to move them either... It was explicitly urgent that we move them 40m down the yard ready to be picked up for servicing.

These vans weigh over 4.5 Tonnes empty... there were also no other members of staff around, and like an ass instead of waiting I pushed both of them (not at the same time) to where they needed to go. I was tempted to use my car, but I didn't want to break it.

I'm now dripping in sweat, my heart has just exploded, and I feel very manly. Best rugby scrum exercise EVAH! However, I don't recommend it to anyone, 4.5T is a ****ing lot of weight!!!! Nothing sprained/strained yet... Me and my ego...

Strongman here I come!!! Seriously, I'd love to try the truck pull, I reckon I could do it over 50m with the harness and the rope & steps.
I normally (well used to) use 2 scoops of whey and 2 cups of oats in my morning shake - never used coconut milk.
Also, I made some homemade protein "muscle" ;) bars the other day and they are awesome!!!11 so cheap and easy to make.
I normally (well used to) use 2 scoops of whey and 2 cups of oats in my morning shake - never used coconut milk.
Also, I made some homemade protein "muscle" ;) bars the other day and they are awesome!!!11 so cheap and easy to make.
I just copied CW's stack,

80g Oats
40g Whey
5g Organic Cocoa
and some Organic Coconut oil.
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