For the gym rats

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Had a few niggling injuries recently (shoulder and lower back) so have dropped the weight and increased the reps for my compounds. Gave my legs an absolute hammering today :cool:

Can't do heavy back squats so experimented a bit.

Front Squats
60K - 10 Reps
80K - 10 Reps
100K - 2 Reps
100K - 2 Reps
100K - 1 Rep

Don't have the flexibility to use a clean grip and found it difficult to keep 100K up on my chest using a crossed arm grip. The weight felt light but it kept slipping so I gave up after a few attempts. Didn't feel any pain in my lower back so will keep at them.

Overhead Squats
40K - 0

Don't like.

Zercher Squats
40K - 10 Reps
60K - 10 Reps
80K - 10 Reps
100K - 10 Reps

These were awesome. Put a lot of strain on the arms (they're bruised to **** now) but it's a much easier exercise to grasp, pick up the weight and squat. Will definitely be sticking with these and I'm setting myself a target of 140K by the end of the month.

Leg Curls
20K - 10 Reps
30K - 10 Reps
40K - 10 Reps
50K - 10 Reps
60K - 10 Reps

Calve Raises
100K - 30 Reps
140K - 15 Reps
180K - 15 Reps
Nice workout PK! :cool:

After a week of doing full body circuits to getmyself back into it (I had been away for 15 days and hadn't touched a weight since then). Doing things like powercleans, flat BB bench, HCPP, BORs, Pull ups, chins, pull downs, squats, front squats, SLDLs, leg press, step ups etc.. It was time to get back to my usual 4day routine.

Yesterday - Chest / (Bis) in brackets as I don't really tend to train them that hard.

Flat Bench DBs:

2x12x22.5kg Warm up

Incline Bench DB:


Decline Bench DB:


Flat Bench Flies:

8x19kg (suspect DBs dunno why they have those weights on them, I reckon they're wrong)
6x21kg (as above)

Preacher Curls EZ Bar:

reverse grip:


Supersetted with 16kg DBs (again they're not 15s but this wegiht seems suspect to me)


REgular grip preacher curls:

5x32.5kg x3

And that's it! Wanted to do more but was getting hungry :oops: Wanted to put in one more chest exercise but all parts of the gym that I could have used were in use :(

OVerall good workout, killed myself a bit on flat, but still managed a fair decent reps on incline and decline.
Very nice Freefaller, that's some mighty volume!

Chest & Back

A1: Bench Press 4x80KG, 3x80KG
A2: Chest Supported T-Bar Row 8x50KG, 8x50KG

A1: Decline Bench Press 7x70KG, 7x70KG, 7x70KG
A2: Chest Supported T-Bar Row 8x35KG, 8x35KG, 10x35KG

A1: Incline Machine Chest Press 10x40KG, 7x80KG, 4x100KG, 4x100KG, 7x80KG - PB
A2: Lat Pull Down 10x50KG, 8x75KG, 8x75KG, 8x75KG, 8x75KG

Didn't really warm-up well for the bench so the reps should have been higher, although I did think it was 70KG and i've been doing other forms of chest work for a few weeks.

The chest supported T-Bar row probably isn't great for me, the chest support is quite high so it's difficult for me to get a good pulling angle to focus on the lats.

Decline bench was strange, probably ditch it straight away and do some DB pressing.

Happy with the 100KG in the plate loaded chest press though, thought i'd try it for a laugh but managed 4 reps just about.

Negatives were decent on everything and a pause at peak contraction for all the pulling movements.
Lockout strength, almost entirely 100% tricep related. It is a bit weird given that you can press 50s, which is a huge lift.

If I was you I would do some rack lockouts and perhaps try some over maximal holds.

Speed massively helps to lockout too.. if you can explode from your chest the speed transfers and makes locking out easier.
yeah ive been trying westside barbell style speed pressing, problem for me at the mo is nutrition, the diet is kicking my strength in the balls. I also think 100kg is somewhat a phychological barrier for me. Its not the lockouts (i can do rack lockouts at 140+) its that position just off the chest, probably a bit more speed will get me through it.
I read your first post totally wrong, I thought you were getting stuck just before lockout.

It's a chest strength issue then and speed is definately going to help, but perhaps drop the weight quite a bit and try benching with a really wide grip for a set or two every time.

Really suprising though considering the 50KG dbs, which is very impressive :D
Evening all. I thought I'd stick a quick diet q in here rather than start a new thread.

I've been on the following diet for about 3 weeks now:

  	             Calories	Protein	Carbs	Fats
Porridge and Shake	 945	60.1	131.7	20.74
Scrambled Eggs          529	37.2	51.9	18
Shake	                 581	46.9	70.9	13.5
Ham Sandwiches	        650	25.2	59.2	29
Rice and Chicken	 550	39.57	82.57	5.57
Ricecakes, Nuts, Whey	582	49.1	35.3	27.7
Total	                  3837	258.07	431.57	114.51

I'll explain the exact dishes if need be but for now I'll just leave the figures and rough description. This is the second time i've adjusted my diet because I'm not putting on any weight. After being on this strictly for the last 3 weeks I've still not added any size or put any weight on.

First off, are do the numbers above look ok? (I'm 6'2", 88kg, looking to add lean mass) Obviosuly it's not enough as I'm not adding any mass so where would you suggest changes?

Also, I've been on a 4 day split (chest, back/tri, shoulders/bi, legs) for a long time now and was thinking about changing to a 3 day (chest/shoulder/tri, back/bi, legs) split. Is it ok to change to this now or should I keep the current split so I can see exactly how it affects me or shouldn't it make too make difference?

I read your first post totally wrong, I thought you were getting stuck just before lockout.

It's a chest strength issue then and speed is definately going to help, but perhaps drop the weight quite a bit and try benching with a really wide grip for a set or two every time.

Really suprising though considering the 50KG dbs, which is very impressive :D

Yeah cheers was chuffed putting the 50's up (for a very shaky single mind) i only press with widest possible grip on the bench (hands against collars) so i cant help it there. I think its a combination of things, i should do some floor presses, some explosive positives with slow negatives and probably some isometric holds and overloads too. Thing is im coming to the conclusion of some 'medical research' now and my winter bulk is going to be augmented somewhat. So i dont think breaking through the 100k mark will be too hard. In fact im fairly well informed that 150k by the new year will be quite a reasonable expectation.

For those who are hardcore on here you will probably follow my progress with interest. Everyone else can think what they like :D
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