For the gym rats

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What type of leg press do you do? Is it on an incline at all?

Done my legs today after a week off and it feels like my quads are about to explode tbh lol never had em feeling like this :/
Evening all. I thought I'd stick a quick diet q in here rather than start a new thread.

I've been on the following diet for about 3 weeks now:

  	             Calories	Protein	Carbs	Fats
Porridge and Shake	 945	60.1	131.7	20.74
Scrambled Eggs          529	37.2	51.9	18
Shake	                 581	46.9	70.9	13.5
Ham Sandwiches	        650	25.2	59.2	29
Rice and Chicken	 550	39.57	82.57	5.57
Ricecakes, Nuts, Whey	582	49.1	35.3	27.7
Total	                  3837	258.07	431.57	114.51

Please explain them. It sounds easy to follow:)
V-Diet - what supplements would you suggest to go with this diet?

I've read the T-Nation blogs and as it was American he goes on about "GROW!" and "HOT-ROX", which just sounds like a chemical nightmare. What can I eat as natural replacements for this powder supplement?

I've got EURO 80 MP protein, and I can pick up supplements that I need, the question is, which should I be taking?

I was thinking:
Holland and Barratt SUPER ONE slow day release multi-vitamin which I've got at the moment.
An Omega 3 supplement, I think H&B do one with glucosamine too.

Which others should I consider taking?
Im finally getting some confidence back while doing deadlifts now, and can finally start upping the weight properly, did 100k x12 last night and it was easy. Still rubbish, but im confident now i can get that weight right up in the upcoming weeks:)
Please explain them. It sounds easy to follow:)

No probs. It's by no means perfect but here goes:

Porrdge consists of oats and semi skimmed milk, i'm sorry I didn't write down the exact measurements for this but it makes a whole bowl full (not that this helps cos you don't know how big my bowl is lol).

The shake I have with breakfast and as one of the meals consists of 30g of whey protein, 1 banana, 50g (ish) of oats, 500ml of milk.

Scrambled eggs = 3 large eggs, 200ml milk on top of three slices of wholemeal bread with a small amount of butter.

Sandwiches are pretty self explanatory. Again wholemeal bread. 4 slices of bread with a couple of slices of cheap ham (which is probably all water tbh).

Chicken and rice is again pretty self explanatory. Roughly 125g of chicken breast with 300g rice. I use easy cook white rice, not as good as brown rice but I think it tastes a lot nicer imo. I couldn't eat as much if it was brown rice. Usually have it plain, maybe a bit of marinade on the chicken if I really fancy it. Also try and have some form of veg (sweetcorn/peas/brocolli) if the rest of the family are having some with their meals.

My evening meal consist of 3 rice cakes each with a fairly large splattering of plain cottage cheese on top, plus about 50-70g of cashew nuts.

Make sure you get lots of water on board as well obviously. I make sure I have at least a pint with every meal, in addition to the odd cup throughout the day, especially during workouts.

I'm not really a fan of the rice cakes with cottage cheese though as; 1, they dont taste that great, and 2, they're not particularly filling. I want to replace them with something else but I'm not sure what, I would like a bowl full of weetabix or shredded wheat but these are packed full of carbs which I have been told to avoid before bed.
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